Scarlet Weather Rhapsody Boxart Leak — Ver.Reisen and Komachi

May 23rd, 2008


Awesomeness. My two favorite Touhou characters outside of China and Sakuya. It’s worth the big pic. Assuming it’s not just a fake, in which case there will be beatings. Remi and Suika are around too, but pfft. Everybody knew they’d be back.

Posted in Touhou | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sage says:


  • Newprimus says:

    Woah, Reisen is in! Does that mean others from the IN team are in I wonder?

  • Aroduc, apparently that was an old box art from when Touhou 10.5 was Touhou 9.5 (eventually 9.8).

  • Sheba says:

    Keine please! Please!

  • justafan says:

    is now official, suika, komachi and reisen are in SWR