
Earl and Fairy
Studio: Artland
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers September 28th (October 1st)
In 19th century England, Edger Ashenbert, the Earl of the Blue Knights is searching for his family’s lost treasure sword. He finds a young woman named Lydia Carlton who has earned the nickname "Fairy Doctor" for her fascination with the magical spirits that inhabit their world and hires her to join him on his quest.
Personal Outlook:
I didn’t really make it all that far into Dazzle, and this looks to pretty much be more of the same, only more bubbly and less violent. We’ll see, but Artland hasn’t exactly been impressing me as of late. It’s also worth noting that the show doesn’t actually start airing on the 28th. The first episode is being broadcast as a special on AT-X (think of it like Japan’s HBO).
Preseason Swing Rating:
Three Cures out of a possible Go Go Five.
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Studio: Madhouse
Genre: Action, Science Fiction
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 1st
Robots ruled the world led by Braiking. A girl named Luna was supposed to be the last savior of humanity, but the cyborg Casshern killed her and plunged the world into total collapse. Centuries later, humanity is on the brink of extinction when Casshern reappears without any memory of his past and fights to protect the last of mankind against the robot scourge.
Personal Outlook:
I really don’t get along with science fiction too well. I just find the whole "his determination changed the laws of physics" a lot easier to stomach when it’s applied to magic instead of metal/robots/Lambda Drivers. That’s more of a complaint against sci fi than Casshern, but I haven’t watched the original OVA, so I really don’t have too much to say otherwise. I do especially despise amnesia as a plot device though, so it’s not exactly starting off that well in my book.
Preseason Swing Rating:
*beep beep* I AM AN EVIL ANIME ROBOT *beep beep*

Studio: Nippon Animation
Genre: Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 1st
The wacky adventures of four girls who just entered high school. Plot driven, this is not.
Personal Outlook:
Who knows? The premise and promo are like one giant blank slate. There something about the eyes that sort of creeps me out a little more than usual though. It’s like they’re not quite on-center or something, but I can’t really place my finger on it.
Preseason Swing Rating:
⑨ out of ⑨

Rosario + Vampire 2nd Season
Studio: Gonzo
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Action
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 1st
The continuing panty filled adventures of Aono, a somewhat normal (though becoming less-so) guy trapped in a school full of vampires, succubi, and other monsters, and the vampire lordess who feasts on him regularly.
Personal Outlook:
I couldn’t get through the second episode of the first season, so I really have no business watching any of the second. Insert other obligatory Gonzo bashing here.
Preseason Swing Rating:
I’m invoking Godwin’s Law to bring this one to an end. Man, I hope that works.

Studio: JC Staff
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 1st
The fierce looking Ryuji has a crush on Minori, but she’s a completely airheaded ditz. Her friend, the brash and firey Taiga has a crush on Ryuji’s friend. After a chance encounter between the two, they agree to work together to both win over the one they want. Taiga’s used to getting her way though, so Ryuji quickly becomes her servant as the two help each other find new friends and develop their own relationships.
Personal Outlook:
Well, if there’s anything JC Staff tends to do rather well, it’s straight up comedy. When they get distracted by things like "having a plot" or "fight the evil magic clown" is when things tend to go south. Still, aside from the voice cast, there aren’t too many names to get excited over. I’m sure it’ll be watchable, but I’m not sure how much better than that it’s going to be. From what I hear, everybody and their cat plans on watching this.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Rarr rarr! I’m a tiger!

Akane – Iro ni Somaru Saka
Studio: TNK
Genre: Romance
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 2nd
Juunichi’s in an arranged marriage, and his fiance unexpectedly shows up at his school as a transfer student one day. The two immediately get into a huge fight and want nothing to do with each other. Their parents lay down the law and order the two to begin regularly going out together, which only brings more problems and chaos to their lives.
Personal Outlook:
I’ve never really developed a stomach for these straight up romance hentai game adaptations and I doubt this one will be any different. Omni seems to eat these up though, so check in with him.
Preseason Swing Rating:
The ribbon to girl ratio is astounding.

Black Butler
Studio: A-1 Pictures
Genre: Fantasy, Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 2nd
Sebastian Michaels is a perfectly trained butler. His knowledge, manners, abilities, and demeanor are all refined to excellence. However, he is in the employ of a petulant 12 year old spoiled brat whose moods change constantly and he’ll never be able to completely please.
Personal Outlook:
What’s with all the butler shows over the past year? Hayate, KimiAru, and now this. It looks to me to be more or less more of the same, only with a little boy instead of a loli/hot panda-loving succubus. The potential for scary yaoi jokes is scary. Who can ever accurately predict comedy though? On the other hand, the promos weren’t exactly a laugh riot either, so I’m not really sure what the deal with this show is.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Because everything’s so much better with little boys.
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Clannad ~After Story~
Studio: Kyoto Animation
Genre: Sad Girls
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers October 2nd
The continuing attempts of Nagisa to start a theater club/graduate, Tomoya to grow a pair of balls, and me to care.
Personal Outlook:
I said waaaay back when that I think Clannad is the weakest by far of the Key stories, and I’m sticking to my guns. I got tired of the first season in the middle of Kotomi’s amnesia fueled arc, and while I’m sure I’d be able to jump right back in, I really have no desire to do so. Go bother… well… almost any other blog.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Drink the poison already! Drink it!
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Corpse Princess: Red
Studio: Gainax
Genre: Fantasy, Action
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 2nd
The Corpse Princesses are girls killed by unnatural incidents that rise again to hunt evil spirits as their ticket to paradise. After she and her family were slaughtered by one such evil spirit, Makina Hoshimura rose again as a Corpse Princess.
Personal Outlook:
Before all the "rarr rarr Gainax blah blah Gurren-Lagann" gets going, let’s remember that the two shows share zero staff in common and with Gurren-Lagann’s success, the total number of Gainax shows that did not collapse six episodes from the end is up to an astounding one. Hell, the director here has almost nothing under his belt but Naruto. Add to this that the show is getting handed off to an entirely different studio and staff after the first season, and I really can’t imagine this ending well.
Preseason Swing Rating:
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Yozakura Quartet
Studio: Nomad
Genre: Action, Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 2nd
Four teenagers band together to protect their city from supernatural enemies. Hime is super powerful, Ao is telepathic, and Kotoha can conjure almost anything. Together, along with the Akina, who has a power that could surpass them all, they keep the city safe.
Personal Outlook:
Looks to me to be the teenager version of ZKC with a slightly more useless housewife male lead, prone to going super sayajin on occasion. Nothing about that turns me off in the least, though it really does look like they’re overcompensating a bit with the character designs. Three kids that look normal, then a fourth with neon blue hair and pseudo-cat ears. It’s worth also mentioning that the staff list for this one is nearly identical to Rozen Maiden’s, so I am hoping for the best here.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Two and a third desus

Fist of the North Star: Raoh Sidestory
Studio: Satelight
Genre: Burly Men
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers October 3rd
A retelling of the now classic Fist of the North Star story from the point of view of the main antagonist of the series.
Personal Outlook:
Bleh. I tried watching Fist of the North Star once. It… didn’t go particularly well. Ergo, I really have no reason to check out something based on an sort of alternate retelling from the antagonist’s point of view. I’m perfectly fine in writing it off as not for me.
Preseason Swing Rating:
I’ve always held that this series has all the animation and appeal of the Jiang Shi.

Heavenly Warriors Sunred
Studio: AIC ASTA
Genre: Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 3rd
Superhero Sunred must battle the evil General Vamp in an animated parody of all things sentai.
Personal Outlook:
Sentai parodies normally amuse me, but I’m not sure a show completely centered around them could hold my interest for that long. Then again, each episode is only 12 minutes long, so it doesn’t need to keep me interested for all that long. Then again again, AIC is not exactly the greatest studio around, so…
Preseason Swing Rating:
Prism Rangers… Roll Out!

Iron Linebarrels
Studio: Gonzo
Genre: Mecha, Action
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 3rd
A satellite falls and knocks Kouichi into a coma. He awakens half a year later with strange powers. Some time after, a giant robot appears and Kouichi uses his own powers and its to fight for a global medicinal corporation.
Personal Outlook:
Mecha and Gonzo… so basically nothing here for me. I can’t even take joy in its likely eventual collapse either since Gonzo is no longer in danger of financial meltdown after it was basically bought out. *sigh*
Preseason Swing Rating:
Gonzo Mechas R Us

Tales of the Abyss
Studio: Sunrise
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Yaoi
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 3rd
Everything in the world is ruled by a prophecy known as the Score. The Score foretold that Luke would bring great prosperity to his kingdom, so has been living in near-capitivity for years after he was kidnapped by a rival nation years ago. His secure and peaceful life is shattered when a woman breaks into his mansion and attacks him, awakening a strange energy in his body that teleports the two of them far away. On his journey home, he starts to learn the truth about his past, and about the Score that rules the world.
Personal Outlook:
So, the composition is being done by a yaoi specialist, the director managed to bomb his last prime time show, and this is Sunrise’s new Pizza Hut-sponsoree. It’s also airing at 9 pm, which is weird unto itself since most anime either airs past midnight or during prime time. Anyway, do you think they’re going to take something where the straightest male protagonist has a girl’s name and tone down all the homoerotic overtures? I love the Tales series, but Luke, Asch and Tear could each be replaced by a 5 second loop of whiny tape. Abyss’ strength lies in the side characters and game itself, and I doubt Sunrise would drop the already rampant homoeroticism to actually pay attention to that. I’m too big a fan of the Tales games to not watch this… but I can already picture Luke tenderly reaching for Asch while Tear fellates some Pizza Hut in the background. Don’t even get me started on Mieu.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Somehow has a fruitier lead than the guy in a sports bra who just wanted more omelettes.

A Certain Magical Index
Studio: JC Staff
Genre: Fantasy, Action
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 4th
In Touma’s world, magic has become incorporated with normal life and most people have their own particular special ability. He himself can’t use any magic, though he does possess the ability to dispel supernatural elements with the touch of a hand. One day, a girl named Index appears before him and asks for his help, telling him that she’s being chased by mages.
Personal Outlook:
And here’s JC Staff’s obligatory seasonal fantasy adventure show. Even above and beyond my normal like for JC Staff, this one is being directed by Hiroshi Nishikiori, who is one of my favorite directors (Azumanga, Melody of Oblivion, Beast King, etc). I’m just hoping that Index doesn’t end up as irritating and squeaky as she looks.
Preseason Swing Rating:
First person to make a "stick my bookmark in her index" joke gets slapped.

Hell Girl 3rd Season
Studio: Studio DEEN
Genre: Fantasy, Thriller
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 4th
The continuing continuing story of the girl who can be contacted through a website to drag whoever you desire into hell. The catch is that you will follow them when you die.
Personal Outlook:
Didn’t make it past about episode 6 of the first season, to say nothing of the second. With the other 30 some odd shows to catch in the first week of October, my interest here is practically nil.
Preseason Swing Rating:
What’s with this season and the undead?

Studio: A-1 Pictures Inc
Genre: Fantasy, Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 4th
Jin somewhat innocently carves a statue of a girl from the kannagi tree. The tree’s goddess takes over the statue and brings it to life, then forces him to help her purify the evil energies gathering in the city in return for cutting down her beautiful tree.
Personal Outlook:
Lots of people seem to really be looking forward to this, but it doesn’t really look like anything particularly special to me. I’m also not particularly fond of A-1 Pictures at the moment after Birdy’s wildly fluctuating animation quality, not to mention that the director is the one that got booted off of Lucky Star… so honestly… this doesn’t seem to me to be in the overall best of hands.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Remember that you’re fantasizing about a make-believe plant.

Kemeko Deluxe
Studio: Hal Film Maker
Genre: Action, Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 4th
One day, Sanpeita is attacked by a giant robot. A tiny mech appears in a wedding dress to save him and declares herself his bride, and then spits out the girl from his memories of 10 years ago that he loved, but she denies it while still maintaining that she’s his bride and tries to go about her bridely and bodyguard duties while in her Kemeko bot.
Personal Outlook:
The promotional material certainly looks very high quality, though Chiwa Saito using her annoying cutesy voice in a squeaky chibi robot could possibly top the list as one of the most irritating things possible. Kugimiya Rie is also lurking around this show somewhere (she’s in like, 8 shows this season), but otherwise, it looks like a blast.
Preseason Swing Rating:
I find these things more frightening than I do adorable.
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Ga-Rei Zero
Studio: AIC Spirits, Asread
Genre: Fantasy, Action
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 5th
Kensuke can see ghosts, but his life doesn’t completely spiral out of control until he meets a girl who can summon a Ga-Rei that can devour them. The two of them work together to hunt down the spirits trying to harm humans and consume them with the Ga-Rei.
Personal Outlook:
Wasn’t this the exact premise for Bleach? I like the whole "kill things" premise, but this just sounds so terribly terribly generic. Then again, Asread has done right by me in the recent past, so I’m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. I’m not sure how long I’ll last though. This isn’t meant to be an adaptation of the pre-existing manga.
Preseason Swing Rating:
All the creativity and longevity of a carnival goldfish.

Gundam 00 2nd Season
Studio: Sunrise
Genre: Mecha, Action
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers October 5th
Blah blah blah space robots rebelling against Earth with magic metals four years after the first season or something. If you don’t know what the show is about, you should probably be starting with the first season.
Personal Outlook:
Ew. Gundam. Take it away before it gives me a disease or something.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

Macademy Wasshoi!
Studio: ZEXCS
Genre: Fantasy, Comedy, Romance
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 5th
During an exam, Takuto accidently creates a girl with enough raw magical power to level the entire kingdom. This new girl isn’t the problem though, it’s the suddenly jealous other girls and people who want to get their hands on her or the apparently latent power lying inside of Takuto.
Personal Outlook:
This looks like it’ll either be really off-beat and ridiculous, or horrificly ear-piercingly godawful. If I had to put money, I’d place bets on the latter. Not to mention that it’s been done by ZEXCS, who isn’t exactly a studio full of raging successes. I’ll give it a chance, but honestly, I’m imagining the hobbits with DDs to be the focus instead of being weird. Always bet on the boobs.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Heavy consumption of psychotropics recommended.

Skip Beat!
Studio: Hal Film Maker
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 5th
Kyoko follows her singer idol boyfriend to the city to take care of him. When she learns that he doesn’t care about her at all, she vows to become an even greater singing idol, but then learns that with her faith in other people broken, she doesn’t have the spirit needed in order to achieve her goal.
Personal Outlook:
If you’re thinking that this is a good site for informed reviews on girly shows, then you’re barking up the wrong tree entirely. Maybe if Kyoko killed one of the pretty boys and embarked on a crime spree across Japan with the other…
Preseason Swing Rating:
Three girlish flomwizziles out of seven.

Today in Class 5-2
Studio: Xebec
Genre: Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 5th
The trials and tribulations of an ordinary fifth grade class… though sexualized like you would not believe.
Personal Outlook:
I didn’t like the OVA at all, and with awful awful Xebec taking over, I cannot imagine this will be anything short of horrifyingly terrible.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Lowest common denominator + Xebec =

ef -A Tale of Melodies-
Studio: SHAFT
Genre: Romance, Drama
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 6th
The story of various couples finding the answers about themselves and each other woven together into a single story. Spiritual sequel to the first series.
Personal Outlook:
While I am an unabashed fan of Shinbo and Shaft and did enjoy the first season, I had a hard time watching it week to week. I’m sure Totali and Omni will be covering it anyway, so there’s no real need for me to do redundant work, though if it’s a slow day and a little more friendly for serial viewing, I might at least make a few weekly comments.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Spoiler: They learn a valuable life lesson and live happily ever after. That’ll be $5 please.

Vampire Knight Guilty
Studio: Studio DEEN
Genre: Thriller, Fantasy
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers October 6th
Now that Zero’s vampire nature is somewhat under control, Yuuki begins searching for the secrets in her own past as the vampires in the present continue their own secret agenda.
Personal Outlook:
My patience was running thin with this show at the end of the first season. It was enjoyable when it had more of a comedic focus and was like Ouran with vampires. It was significantly less so when the angst got cranked up to maximum. I’ll give it a chance, but if there are other shows airing on the same day that I like more, it’ll get the quickie treatment at best. I already know most of the upcoming twists anyway, so… *shrug*
Preseason Swing Rating:
Has Yuuki turned into a bat yet?
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Box of Goblins
Studio: Madhouse
Genre: Thriller, Supernatural
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 7th
A serial killer is kidnapping young girls, then dismembering them and stuffing them into boxes. A number of people gather together in order to get to the bottom of the mystery and find the murderer.
Personal Outlook:
Really not my kind of show honestly. The promo was just a bunch of character sketches, so that didn’t really excite me overly much either. I’ll give it a shot, but I’m really not expecting too much here.
Preseason Swing Rating:

One Outs
Studio: Madhouse
Genre: Sports
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers October 7th
Toa is an ace pitcher, but receives an unusual contract. For every out he pitches, he wins money, but for every point he gives up, he loses ten times that. With this contract, he seeks fame and fortune from the mound.
Personal Outlook:
Ha… sports anime. The last one of these that I liked was about baking bread… and that’s assuming that you call baking a sport. Did you see the arms on some of those guys though? They had to be juicing. Some people may be interested to know that this is basically the same staff as Akagi and Kaiji, so if you liked those series, there’s a chance that this one will be of interest to you as well, though it’s not written by the same person.
Preseason Swing Rating:
So unrealistic that it won’t contain steroids.

Nodame Cantabile – Paris Chapter
Studio: JC Staff
Genre: Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 9th
After his success with his university’s ensembles, Chiaki received an invitation to study under a master in Paris. Finally overcoming his fear of flying, he leaves for Paris with Nodame in hot pursuit.
Personal Outlook:
I’m sure it’ll be more of the same as the first season, which was enjoyable, but this is another show that everybody and their cat is going to be covering, so I’m inclined not to. I’m sure I’ll be watching it, I just may not have much to say after the first week.
Preseason Swing Rating:
When’s the arc where Chiaki fights Elvis?

Studio: Artland
Genre: Science Fiction, Action
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 9th
A soldier flees from an intergalactic war between two empires. After fighting against one, and deserting the other, he is forced to seek refuge with an independant force standing against both sides.
Personal Outlook:
I’m not really a fan of sci fi in general and even less a fan of space operas, so I’m predisposed to not really pay too much attention to this one. Maybe it’ll surprise me, but I’m not exactly holding my breath here.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Loading pithy comment. Please wait.

Junjou Romantica 2nd Season
Studio: Studio DEEN
Genre: Yaoi, Romance, Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers October 11th
After an entire series of Misaki getting hit on, kissed, licked, and caressed by other men, he’s back to get another taste of the man on manicotti.
Personal Outlook:
Yeah… no. I hear that if you bother Hinano enough, she’ll be all over it though. And I can already sense the blood oath she’s sworn against me.
Preseason Swing Rating:
My yaoi sense is tingling. Did somebody call for a ‘web’ shooter?

Studio: Madhouse
Genre: Drama
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers October 11th
Long ago, a man named Kuro flees from society and comes upon a woman named Kuromitsu. He falls in love with her, but soon learns that she’s immortal and watching over Japan as it advances through history.
Personal Outlook:
I honestly have no clue. There’s been basically no promotional material put out that I could track down, and the premise doesn’t really overly excite me. Nothing about the staff really stands out either. The director was the one who handled Death Note, but who knows what that’ll actually mean here.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Steak and a side of potatoes.
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Studio: Madhouse
Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller, Romance
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 14th
Takumi is a very withdrawn high school student, uninterested in other people or the real world. One day, he finds a URL and visits it, only to receive information about a serial murder that has yet to happen. After he discovers that everything contained on it was the truth, he gets drawn in to the mysteries surrounding the murders and the women intimately involved with them.
Personal Outlook:
Incomprehensible capitalization of the title aside, I’ve heard nothing but good things about the game that this is based off of, so I’m tentatively optimistic. The promo was pretty lacklustre, but it’s not like that’s particularly unusual in and of itself.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Spoiler: The killer is a cookie.

Michiko and Hatchin
Studio: Manglobe Inc
Genre: Action
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers October 15th
Escaped criminal Michiko ends up falling in with Hatchin, a young girl fleeing from her family and the two flee across space with the authorities in hot pursuit.
Personal Outlook:
I’m not really certain what to think. The promo looked pretty decent, but I really don’t like the whole "strong character picks up weak, useless child for giggles" premise. It doesn’t help that every shot of Hatchin in the promo was of her being weak and useless either. Aside from that, it looks like it could be pretty good.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Actually about a madcap pet store.
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PIcs or it didn’t happen.
Ga-Rei Zero looks like one of those shows I glazed over but seems slightly interesting now. Bleh, too much crap.
I guess I’d better start working on my lazy post sometime soon…… u.u