Casshern SINS #05 — Up On the Cross Again

October 30th, 2008


Aw… back up there already?


After last week’s very strong episode, this one feels rather poorly put together. It starts out with Cthulu Ringo and a bunch of refuge robot children, then totally drops it for 15 minutes for Lyuze’s backstory and another Jesus Casshern on the cross  scene. I had expected better from Lyuze honestly. She has no real deep or intelligent connection to anything really, or any great overall plan. Her sister was just one of the first people that Casshern took down en route to Luna and was one of the first that succumbed to the destruction, even though Casshern clearly wasn’t trying to kill her or the like. She’s just pissed because Casshern indirectly killed her sister and wants revenge for that. Get in line, chica. Her sister didn’t even actually ask for it. Maybe she was trying to say "Casshern wo…uld love some cake," and this whole thing was just a big misunderstanding. Friender showed up this episode too, but all he did was growl at Casshern a bit and save Lyuze after her largely ineffective attacks made Jesus Casshern go berserk. Also, Casshern looked like he was enjoying those attacks way too much. Damn closet masochist.

After that segment finished, we totally dropped Lyuze and we went back to Cthulu Ringo to see her unsurprisingly get ambushed by evil robots again, and just to make sure that you don’t feel sorry for Casshern going berserk on them, they go ahead and immediately kill multiple children. At least everything is nice and black and white here. The berserk rage goes as… every other berserk rage has so far in the show, but at the end of it, we get to see one of Casshern’s fellow… uh… god-generals? What are the top cyborgs called again? I’m pretty sure it’s Dio since the other one is female. Really, that was about the only interesting or exciting part of the Cthulu Ringo portion. In fact, I think it’s fair to say that Ringo has never looked better. At least there was a lot less Ringo than I had anticipated and next week looks to be a big ol’ slugfest between Dio and Casshern.


Toki wo tomare!

Posted in Casshern | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kraker2k says:

    Casshern’s evil twin?

  • Totali says:

    Casshern Sins! LOL i get it!