Casshern SINS #06 — The Price of Immortality

November 5th, 2008


Casshern… or the world.


Almost a totally awesome episode. I have no problems admitting that my attention wandered off a little bit at both the start and the end as the talking heads endlessly droned on with absolutely no motion whatsoever. At least Dio was saying relatively interesting things for the most part. I probably could have done without a couple minutes of rehashing the whole amnesia thing, but the big reveal that Casshern’s immortality is the cause of the world’s destruction, combined with Luna at the start telling him that him killing her would cause the world to fall apart raises plenty of interesting questions. Given how the other robots are all about eating Casshern, I just hope they don’t go the "Casshern ate Luna" angle. I also really liked that the other robots were begging him to save them this time by killing Casshern instead of just turning into mindless zombies.

In between that though, the Casshern and Dio fight was probably the most enjoyable action sequence I’ve seen this season to date. I didn’t really like Lyuze sticking her nose into it at the end though. I’m glad Casshern lost for once, even in his berserk mode, but after how completely inept Lyuze was against Casshern, it just felt wrong for her to hit what appeared to be a pretty critical blow on Dio. She just wants to kill him herself, but refused to do so while he was half dead. I don’t think her little wristblade could take him down anyway. I’m also not certain what to make of Leda yet. She giggled in the background like she was crazy for most of the episode before saving Dio from Lyuze (which again, seems completely wrong) and then gave Dio a sisterly hug. I don’t think she had a single line though.

Overall though, still an excellent episode. It certainly could have made the first five or so and last three minutes more interesting, but the middle more than made up for that.

Casshern vs Dio


Another Casshern-lite episode apparently with a human mechanic.

Posted in Casshern | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Legacy says:

    This episode certainly made up for the last one, which was nowhere near as good as episode four. I hope it stays this way.

  • Hibiki says:

    Casshern may be the best action anime this season. Index is extremely slow

  • Avisch says:

    Alright….that action scene is motivation enought ot get me past episode 1.

  • [quote]I didn’t really like Lyuze sticking her nose into it at the end though.[/quote]
    Are you kidding me? That was what made this episode so awesome! Well, to me at least.

    Lyuze was not really inept against Casshern. That katar-thing that projects out of her arm (probably the blade of her sister’s sword) could obviously slice and pierce through his suit/skin/flesh. It’s just that his body had a way of dealing with that kind of damage, and apparently, the same just isn’t true for Dio. I think, showing that crucial difference between Casshern and Dio, who are supposed to be rather similar, is one of the main points of this episode.

    Look at it this way. Lyuze lost to Casshern because of a surprise attack. Dio merely got foiled by Lyuze in pretty much the same manner.

    As for that “sisterly hug”, I thought it was more than just that kind of thing. What’s sisterly is Sophia’s feelings for Casshern. As for what I think about Lyuze and Leda’s actions (and words, in Lyuze’s case) in this episode, just see my blog or my comments in Star Crossed Anime Blog. But I might as well give the warning that it is more or less from a shipper’s point of view.

    By the way, about the “Casshern ate Luna” angle you mentioned… I never saw it that way, but now that I think of it, it does seem a possibility. Thanks for that insight.