Casshern SINS #09 — Harem Anime

November 27th, 2008


Two lolis, one tsundere, one singer, two yanderes, and one dog… Oh god… I’m watching Da Capo.


Wasn’t I complaining last week about the seemingly endless parade of women in danger that Casshern seems to run across? Well, we’re up to five in the last six episodes (and six out of nine overall… seven if you count Friender as female), all centered around Casshern finding some slightly crazed woman in some rundown spot who is somehow merrily chugging along, doing whatever the hell it is that she does, often somehow safe from (and totally oblivious to) the seemingly endless hordes of killer robots that seem to be plaguing this society and eating all the old people’s medicine. This one is a little younger and clueless than most, so it only makes sense that they’d kill her. So much for being nice to children. They left the dummy intact… and they left the noble amputated tsundere robot that tried to protect her sitting in the hole with the dummy for company.

The really notable thing this episode was the animation, which was sort of off in its own little world in a few places. When Nica was skipping along around Casshern, I think the animators totally forgot about gravity during the closeups on her feet. It wasn’t that offputting, but rather awkward. Arguably more interesting was the CG robot stampede near the start of the episode. I think that’s the first time they seriously used CG in this show… and it was a swarm of robots that all jumped into a pit. Maybe they need the robot swarm for some future episode, like when the robots storm Minas Tirith.

Thankfully, it looks like we’ll be getting back to the main plot with the return of Dio next episode.


Welcome back, hot stuff.

Posted in Casshern | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Hibiki says:

    Well, at least there’s still some action in every Casshern Episode. There’s only drama in Gundam 00

  • sage says:

    Oh god… I’m watching Da Capo.

    The horror!

  • Yue says:

    And don’t forget that simply hearing the word “Casshern” is entertainment by itself. ^o^

  • sage says:

    And don’t forget that simply hearing the word “Casshern” is entertainment by itself.

    “Shit was SO cash” ???