Casshern SINS #13 — Naked Child Event
December 25th, 2008
Go away, Ringo.
A very exposition heavy episode, which would be alright, if so much of it wasn’t painfully obvious. We get the shocking revelation that the hulking guy in the cape is in fact Braiking Boss, Ringo is not exactly the robot that she seems, Casshern is indeed the one that killed Luna and moreover was made specifically to kill, and the only possibly interesting tidbit of the bunch, Ouji is the one who kicked off this whole mess by being essentially Casshern, Dio, and Leda’s father. Of course, why nobody immediately takes a closer look at the strange little not-quite-a-robot girl the guy who makes human-robot crosses fiercely protects is a question for another day. You’d think that Casshern would at least get a clue since Ringo sent him into all sorts of Luna flashbacks through the end of the episode, but he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. At least we now know that she bleeds. Even though I’m sure child violence laws will probably prevent her from being beheaded, I’ve still got my imagination.
Little action, and so much of the rest was so painfully obvious that it seems a bit of a waste to actually devote an episode to them. The opening sequence also changed to show Ringo and lots and lots of flowing blood, and that’s honestly enough of a clue that Ringo is intrinsically related to Luna and Casshern. Instead, we get the 15 ton cluehammer to make sure the foreshadowing gets driven home. So much for a light touch. New ED this episode. Sure it’s a montage, but it’s also more Casshern and less Lyuze and Ringo. I’ll call it a step up.
Casshern is off next week on the primary broadcast for the holidays, but the Sunday broadcast on another channel is continuing without a break, so episode 14 will be on January 4th, turning it into a Sunday show for the second half. Seeya then.
Casshern Sins ED #2
Technical difficulties. Will upload shortly.
Posted in Casshern | 5 Comments »
Ringo being the twisted child of the series sounds kinda typical but I never thought the old guy would be “Casshern, I am your father!”.