Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei #02 — Epileptics Beware
December 10th, 2008
It is entirely too early in the morning to deal with Shaft.
I’m going to be blunt. Overall, I despised this episode, and it’s 100% the fault of the direction. There wasn’t any problem with the content or anything like that. The 1970s style for part 1 and the ultra shoujo style for part 3 were actually pretty endearing. It’s because whenever Chiri was onscreen, which was for easily at least a third of the episode, Shinbo decided that it would be a good idea to start strobing the screen repeatedly, and now I’m fighting both eyestrain and a fierce migraine. There was about a 5 minute span of no Chiri (or associated strobing) and it felt soooooooooooooooooo relaxing in contrast. It honestly doesn’t matter how funny the jokes were or how clever the art style was. At the moment, I am in physical pain from having watched this, and that’s pretty much the worst thing you can get from watching a show.
All I can suggest is make sure you watch this in a well lit room with plenty of back lighting and perhaps take an advil or two before flipping it on. Perhaps dial down the brightness or just close your eyes the moment Chiri appears. Maybe this was all some kind of Pavlovian training to make us hate her. It’s certainly reduced my brain to mush.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go lay down for a few minutes and pray that the throbbing behind my temples subsides before I actually need to do anything productive today.
Posted in Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei | 4 Comments »
Actually, the art in part 3 looks very similar (as is one of the EDs in the second season) to the Trinity Blood manga or illustrations in the novels.
That being said, I don’t ever recall shoujo art stylisations being akin to this :/