
Maria Watches Over Us: Season 4
Studio: Studio DEEN
Genre: Drama, Romance
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers January 3rd
The continuing continuing continuing misadventures of the very very good friends at an all girls catholic school.
Personal Outlook:
My experiences with Marimite mostly consist of Lilian Fourhand. There are worse things to associate with Catholic lesbians. I’m pretty sure the show involves far fewer giant women and violence, and far more cries of "Oneeeeeeeeeeee-sama!" I watched about 20 minutes of one episode at one point, and after that, I’ve never really been tempted to watch any of the rest, so I’m afraid I’m out for this one. Totali seems on board though. *shrug*
Preseason Swing Rating:
WARNING WARNING! Contains fewer hot lesbian antics than advertised.

Studio: Brains Base
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 3rd
Kakeru collects soda cans, but his collection becomes a bit strange the day that he takes a drink from one and it transforms into a girl who relies on his breath (and drinking other sodas) to survive. The girl has strange powers, but feels indebted to Kakeru for her life, even while all he can think about is how to get her out of that dress.
Personal Outlook:
The first episodealready aired as an online special through their website, so there’s not too much to say here that I haven’t already said. It wasn’t a particularly impressive first episode, and I really doubt I’ll stick with it. It does have a lot of bad puns and bizarre innuendo though.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Don’t worry, the special investigation team is on the case.
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White Album
Studio: Seven Arcs
Genre: Romance
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 3rd
Yuki is a rising pop idol star, but as her schedule and commitments begin to dominate her life, her boyfriend starts to become closer to other women. One in particular is Rina, Yuki’s idol coworker and biggest rival.
Personal Outlook:
See… the thing about Seven Arcs is… they’ve only made two kinds of shows for the past six years or so. Their shows will either contain Nanoha, or they will contain burly naked men nuzzling other men. I don’t see Nanoha appearing in any of the promo material, so I can only assume that there are burly naked men hiding somewhere. I have liked pretty much everything Seven Arcs has done, but they’ve also never done any kind of real romance or drama before, so it’s a complete toss up.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Screw winter, I’m ready for summer.

Studio: Shaft
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 4th
Kanako is literally allergic to men, so she transfers to a girl’s school to find her one true love. On her first day, she meets the beautiful granddaughter of the principal, but soon learns that she’s really a guy in disguise. He quickly blackmails Kanako into keeping his secret and makes her attempt at an escape from men into a new kind of living hell.
Personal Outlook:
Well, the first episode surprisingly (at least to me) showed up on the internets a day or two ago, so that kind of screws the whole gut reaction to promo material thang. I wasn’t a huge fan, but it did look like it would get a whole lot better as the cast expands and focus is taken away from the shrieking banshee.
Preseason Swing Rating:
At some point, traps stop being funny and turn into psychological introspection.
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Minami-ke: Welcome Back
Studio: asread
Genre: Comedy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 4th
Third season of the regular life and antics of the three Minami sisters and all their socially abnormal friends.
Personal Outlook:
Aside from the angsty little brat that they introduced and then kicked off, I’ve mostly enjoyed the first two seasons. Sundays are looking relatively slow again this season, so unless they do something absolutely horrible here, I’ll probably stick with it.
Preseason Swing Rating:
*sigh* Roll out the memes for the third time.

Natsume’s Book of Friends Sequel
Studio: Brains Base
Genre: Fantasy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 5th
Second season following Natsume’s encounters with spirits and his attempts to restore the names his grandmother sealed in a book.
Personal Outlook:
I didn’t last past episode 3 of the first season, so I’m going to have to give this one a pass.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Three displeased anthropomorphic cows.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Space
Studio: Sunrise
Genre: Science Fiction
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 5th
In the distant future, makind has spread out through space into fragmented colonies. One girl travelling between the various colonies comes across one that has become conquered by an AI twisted to subjugate humanity. With the help of a bunch of other young girls, it’s up to them to stop the AI.
Personal Outlook:
Sunrise certainly has a boatload of shows airing this season. This is essentially the spiritual successor to My HiME/zHiME, featuring much of the same staff, so I’m sure it’ll be technically sound and contain copious amounts of fanservice… as if the girl in cat ears and the police officer with no pants weren’t already an indication of that. Who knows though. Ioved HiME and have despised most of the rest in that line. We’ll have to see how this one goes.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Actually part of a Keroronian plan to conquer the Earth.

Viper’s Creed
Studio: AIC
Genre: Science Fiction
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 6th
In the near future, war constantly ravages the world. A small band of mercenaries is hired to deal with not only post-war cleanup, but also the environmental terrorism that threatens to destroy the fragile peace.
Personal Outlook:
Not too much about this one particularly excites me. I’m really not a fan of military pieces in general, and this one looks pretty painfully generic as far as they go. It does have a lot of big names behind it, most importantly the director of Appleseed, but I’m not exactly a raging fan of Appleseed either. I was extremely happy with AIC’s last show (Ga-rei), but then again, this has almost no staff in common with it, so…
Preseason Swing Rating:
Oh god, what has science done?

Fighting Spirit: New Challenger
Studio: Madhouse
Genre: Sports
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 6th
Mild mannered Ippo continues his training and quest to become a boxing champion.
Personal Outlook:
I haven’t watched the 80 some odd episodes leading up to this series, and I’m really not a big fan of sports shows in general. I might prod at it just to see what exactly the deal is, but I’m a poor person to turn to for this kind of thing at even the best of times.
Preseason Swing Rating:
I’m ready to take on the world!

Tomorrow’s Yoichi
Studio: AIC
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 8th
After training for 17 years in the remote mountains, Yoichi’s family kicks him into the big city to learn about modern society. Even though he’s befuddled by technology, he declares himself to be a proper and honorable samurai and works hard to fight crime and improve himself even while learning about the rest of the world, especially the girls (ew! cooties!) of the dojo that takes him in.
Personal Outlook:
This does look like a lot of fun. The first episode was screened at a convention a couple of months back and the reactions were mostly positive (though certainly not mindblowing), so it’ll probably be a relatively easy to watch show, if a bit brain dead.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Seven chunks of dubious uncooked meat.

The Tower of Druaga -The Sword of Uruk-
Studio: Gonzo
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 8th
Continuing story of the people climbing the monster infested Tower of Druaga. After being betrayed by his brother and his girlfriend, Gil and Fatina must join together in order to continue their quest.
Personal Outlook:
Pfft. Gonzo. Not even increased exposure for Horie Yui’s character can drag me back into this show.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Three Necromicons and One Unspeakable Horror.

Black God
Studio: Sunrise
Genre: Action
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 8th
A struggling computer programmer named Keita gets drawn into a fight between a girl and some strange monsters. His arm is cut off in the fight, and he replaces it with hers, creating a bond between the two of them. However, for each to fight at their peak, they need to fight together, and thus Keita is drawn into battling the monsters and clans that threaten the balance of the world.
Personal Outlook:
Yet another Sunrise action show. They’re up to four, not counting their normal neverending prime time staples. I have pretty high expectations for this one since it has the Twelve Kingdom’s director at the helm and the normal Sunrise high quality on the production front. I just hope they won’t fall into their typical Sunrise horrible writing and fanservice antics, but I’ve got faith.
Preseason Swing Rating:
This is the future that the Starmen came from.
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Birdy the Mighty: DECODE 2
Studio: A-1 Pictures
Genre: Science Fiction
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 9th
Sequel series. Senkawa is recovering from death (again) in Birdy’s body as they try to find the answers about who was really behind the Ryunka incident.
Personal Outlook:
I’ll give it an episode or two, but the first season went south fast at around episode 4. If they just gag Senkawa or throw him off a bridge, it could be pretty decent. If they just rehash his preaching and spinelessness, then I’m immediately out.
Preseason Swing Rating:
It’d be nice if the people killed in this show would stay dead.
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The Beast Player Erin
Studio: Production IG
Genre: Fantasy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 10th
Erin can empathize with and control even the most fierce of beasts, but her abilities are coveted by those in power and she’s soon drawn into a war between the two greatest nations of the world.
Personal Outlook:
While the story was written by the same person who did Moribito, and Production IG was behind both, that’s where the similarities end. This is a good and bad thing for me, since I wasn’t a huge fan of Moribito’s languorous pace, but thumbing down the staff list shows a bunch of people who have never worked on anything particularly good. I wouldn’t hold my breath here.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Two and a half beasts.

Chrome Shelled Regios
Studio: ZEXCS
Genre: Science Fiction, Aventure
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 10th
Years ago, the planet was infected by a strange toxin. Poisonous beasts began to spawn throughout the world, but humans began to develop supernatural powers as well. Cities soon gathered around those with special powers and became known as Regios. Lei-fon gets drawn into a squadron dedicated to fighting the monsters as he searches for information about his missing childhood friend.
Personal Outlook:
Generic RPG Adventure Go! Who am I kidding? I like stuff like this usually and while ZEXCS tends to be on the lower end of production, they pulled out all the stops for Macademy, so maybe they’ve finally turned it around and will make this one a blockbuster sensation. Hey, a guy can dream.
Preseason Swing Rating:
This show is… body temperature…

Ride Back
Studio: Madhouse
Genre: Science Fiction, Drama
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 11th
In the near future, the UN has been dissolved and nations have been left to their own devices. Japan in particular has been completely crippled by protests against the government. One girl, with her ‘Iron Horse’ mechanized motorcycle looks to find her own path in the chaotic society.
Personal Outlook:
Ew, strangely designed mecha and dystopias. Get them away. Cooties. Casshern’s about as much dystopia as I can stand. I’ll give the first episode a whirl, but there’s seriously absolutely nothing about this premise that excites me in the slightest.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Worst idea since they mechanized Tonberries.

Studio: JC Staff
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 12
After defeating the mystic beast Zanaffar, Lina et all must search for a way to restore Pokota’s kingdom and confront the possibility that Rezo still lives.
Personal Outlook:
Le sigh… Well, pretty much all Slayers series turn awesome around episode 18 or so. Then again, the rest of them didn’t have that damn furball in it. Cut the furball, juice the ninja, have Xellos hit on the robot maid, and this’ll be a winner. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure the hairy rat is here to stay.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Never thought I’d long for a return to octopus island.

The World Reflected in the Eyes of the Girl Looking Into the Sky
Studio: Kyoto Animation
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Information Links: ANN Entry, Animesuki Thread
Premiers January 13
Based on/spun off of the pair of Munto OVAs from a few years back. The heavens are on the brink of collapse due to their depleting energy and the civil war it has engendered. Munto leaves the war to fall to Earth in order to find the girl foretold by their prophets who can save them. That girl, however, is the only person who can actually see the heavens and the destruction that their war has been causing the Earth.
Personal Outlook:
I tried watching the original Munto series once. It didn’t go well. The writing was… interesting to say the least. 13 year olds pontificating about the ennui of mankind and finding true love while gypsy boys in spandex tried to threaten little girls into saving the world or you’ll die. Think Neo-Angelique Abyss, but with everybody younger, more spandex, fewer monocles, and more misogyny and you’ll get the gist. Ergo… what I feel for this one is not anticipation in the slightest, but maybe they’ll rewrite it enough to not be thoroughly detestable. Just glancing through the website though, it would appear that the main thing KyoAni has done for this one is move the hemline of the dresses up about three feet. Oi vey…
Preseason Swing Rating:
Three and a half forgotten franchises.
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A Thousand Years of the Tale of Genji
Studio: Tezuka Productions
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers January 15th
An adaptation of the Tale of Genji, covering the romantic life of a member of Japan’s royal family and the many many many women (including his stepmother and her niece) that he seduces in his quest for true love.
Personal Outlook:
Meh. In decades of shows, Tezuka has yet to make anything I’ve particularly enjoyed and the last thing this director worked on was the fairly abysmal Code Violet. And who cares if Genji is a ‘great work of art.’ So is Grapes of Wrath, and I’d sooner poke my brain out with a spork than watch that. Assumably, the rampant philandering, creepy quasi-incest, and pedophilia will be taken out or toned down to make this a little more audience friendly, but unless there’s one hell of a massive rewrite, I already know that I won’t particularly like the story here.
Preseason Swing Rating:
There’s something lurking in this show, but damned if I know what.

Fresh Pretty Cure
Studio: Toei Animation
Genre: Magical Girls, Action
Information Links: ANN Entry
Premiers February 1st
The third reboot of the magical girl PreCure series featuring new girls, new magic cellphones, and new magical animals fighting to protect the (new) magical world.
Personal Outlook:
You know, I have to admit that I tended to catch the end of a lot of PreCure 5 episodes back when I was watching ZKC live, and there were enough girls backhanding and suplexing giant scorpions for me to admit that maybe the show isn’t so bad. Of course, there’s no way I could stand watching all the cutesy animals and crap, but any magical girl whose finishing blow is a shoulder tackle just might be awwwright. It beats throwing her hat at any rate.
Preseason Swing Rating:
Three real magical girls.
It’s looking to me like Yoichi is the only one that’ll interest me even slightly. I thought there was a chance that Akikan would be good, but after that first episode I no longer hold out any hope.