Nakanai Kimi to Nageki no Gensou 03 – Toriko

December 29th, 2008

umg3-battlerxbeato1 umg3-battlerxbeato2

This is the best pairing. You know it to be true.

I have been highly anticipating this new video, and it didn’t disappoint. Sadly, I have been way too busy with work and personal stuff and I have yet to finish episode 3, so I don’t really have much to comment… besides mentioning how ep3 Beato is incredibly moe. Don’t forget to download the wallpapers.

ps. Jessica! (´ï¼›ωï¼›`)

Posted in Doujin | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • MuzikalNotes says:

    The music’s still not as good as the 1st one, but the visuals are just stunning. And you’d better hurry up, since Episode 4 is already out (I think)!
    And I’m amazed Aroduc hasn’t noticed this yet.

  • sage says:

    Yes, it’s already out. I’ll probably wait until vacation (in three weeks) to get both episodes (3 and 4) done.

  • Aroduc says:

    I noticed. I just don’t particularly care.

  • sage says:

    For those interested in the other MADs from this collection:

    Umineko Motion Graphic

    And the older collection, based on Higurashi:

    Higurashi Motion Graphic

  • Fang-tan says:

    Too much crazy bit- err.. Eva and not enough moe Virgy. I can’t even look at Beato x Battler without bursting into tears after ep4 anymore. But the point remainds, needs moar Virgilia.

  • Benny1 says:

    If you haven’t seen episode 4 is out.