Chrome Shelled Regios #03 — Body Double Lesbians

January 25th, 2009


Strangely, one of the most sensical things of this episode.


Well, this episode took a turn for the incomprehensible. The annoying trio whipping people and Felli deciding to call Layfon Fon-fon were the most sensical things that transpired. Aside from that, we had interdimensional voidfaced jackalmen, some random guy who is so far beyond Nina’s league that he makes Layfon look like an amateur, Ririn geting groped by a queen who has a body double, some random guy taking a loli and escaping from a modernish building while speaking Engrish throughout, and since this is an RPG, the first real inklings of magic with Nina’s holy spirit friends who brought her back to life when she died protecting them as a child.

It was alright, but the pace was a bit too breakneck, especially for everything that they threw at us. Not one, not two, not three, but four or five seemingly important new characters show up, and even though Layfon repairs his harem for the most part, very little involving him in general moved anywhere. Thankfully, it does look like we get back to maid and gothloli cosplay the more central characters next episode and hopefully a little bit less weirdness, or at least weirdness presented in digestable bites. Felli remains an absolute delight. I almost wish they stuck with Impetuous Lay (or however you want to translate Senkou no Lay) instead of Fon-fon.

Not even going to try to summarize. I suggest a fifth of bourbon before watching this one anyway. Something to get the mind nice and loose for the strange places it’s going to take you.

Also, co-ed showers? And the sniper didn’t even try to peak on Nina? Kurz is rolling in his grave.


Maids, gothlolis, and giant insects.

Posted in Chrome Regios | 11 Comments »

11 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • manaka_junpei says:

    [spoiler]Speaking English at the last scene[/spoiler]

  • Sterling01 says:

    Uh… who was Ririn again?

  • Honoo says:

    Co-ed showers? Whoa. Now that’s something new for me to hear. Maybe not really, but it’s still a rare thing for me.

  • Darco_emp says:

    It is getting hard to follow even for someone who is reading the novels, given the references to pre-regios story Legend of Regios.

    Still my last weeks fear was laid to rest a little bit given we are still following the novels, abit jump to volume 6 for part of the story.

    The letter is finally sent, I was worried for a while about that. Next week is the side short story from volume 7 or 8, I got a feeling I’m going to enjoy it alot. xD

  • Aroduc says:

    Ririn is the orange haired girl that kissed Layfon in episode one.

  • Yue says:

    Well, you wanted random encounters… wish granted. ^o^

  • aegd says:

    The engrish dialogue was hilarious. Why for the love of god can’t they hire people who can speak actual english and not use Japanese voice-actors who probably never used english outside the classroom. This is black lagoon all over. I hope this isn’t something they’ll keep using because they think it’s “cool”.

    The problem was more than just the engrish to. The dialogue was obviously written by someone who had a very poor knowledge of the language. In Black Lagoon I think I remember that the dialogue was OK but the delivery was a totalt disaster.

    But yeah… I suppose it’s possible to laugh over the sadness of it all.

  • Kikaifan says:

    Well to be fair in Black Lagoon they mostly just used it for swearing, which was hilarious. At least until they hit that terrible Tokyo arc.

  • Irie says:

    Without subs, really difficult to follow the part with the queen. The new “interdimensional” fighter is a bit out of place but I assume it will be explained at some point. Obviously it related to Nina’s past along with the fairies.

    Decent episode but without sub’s needs a few viewings to try and make sense of it. That and some bourbon. ;)

  • Nanaya says:

    Amen, Hallelujah, Peanut Butter.

  • Curio says:

    Yikes, that engrish was cringe-inducing… and for that matter the scene felt disconnected from the style of the show altogether. It was like someone changed the channel and then changed it back just in time for the credits. Hopefully future episodes will avoid butchering the English language like this, replace the voice actors for those two characters, or just ditch that element completely.

    Otherwise: The inter-dimensional fighting was interesting, the faeries were tolerable, co-ed showers were surprising, and body double lesbian queen was simply odd. Seriously, it never ceases to amaze that anime girls rarely seem to actively resist unwanted groping.