Asura Cryin’ #04 — Hauauauau~

April 23rd, 2009


If only she was Horie.


As surreal as much of this episode was, this show is actually turning out so much better than the first two episodes indicated. There’s still the clumsy CG mechs, the clumsily crowbarred in T&A, and the world is about five degrees stranger than it really needs to be, but Kurosaki’s cavlier attitude when it comes to high explosives is a panacea that heals a number of ills. Really, they could just forget all this nonsense about sick girls trapped in mecha or heterochromatic hauauauauing priestesses with martyr complexes and just let her run around shooting things and being snarky and I’d be happy.

The first third or so of this episode was rather silly, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that Takatsuki’s hauauauing routine didn’t get a chuckle out of me. Most of the rest was punctuated by giant wolf monsters and high explosives. Always a pleasant combination. I do hope they give a little more explaination of Takatsuki’s powers and the whole devil thing in the near future. Given this episode, it almost seems like the devils and the Handlers are basically the same things, which is to say pokemon trainers… only the mechas requiring the sacrifice of a young virgin. Hopefully the final boss won’t end up being a vengeful volcano god.

Brief Summary:

The science club is out on a camping trip to find Nessie. The Saekis are there because they like getting in the way. There’s a little flirting, a little urinal threatening, and the obligatory attempt to spy on the girls in the bath countered with extreme firepower. Afterwards, Takatsuki begs Tomo to not use his Asura Machine.

Meanwhile, a girl has a guy tied to a chair somewhere nearby. He escapes, but doesn’t make it far before she presses him back into service. They eventually draw out a monster that starts chasing the guy. The others show up to investigate while the girl shoots the monster. Kurosaki shows up and lays down curtain fire, chasing it away and singing everybody else. The girl is actually Kurasawa, who Kurosaki calls Captain (actually 会長, but I’m in a military mood from translating GA, so don’t mind me). Cap’n goes with the others (after subduing Saeki to make sure she doesn’t talk to her brother) and explains it. The monster is there because of the guy, and it’s going berserk because he won’t contract with it, which pisses off Takatsuki.

The monster shows up again and Cap’n attacks it with her own Asura Machine. Kurosaki interferes and Misao has Tomo call Kurogane to hold back the other Machine. Takatsuki tries to make the guy realize what’s going on. Kurosaki and Cap’n get into a firefight, but Cap’n runs out of bullets and is blasted back. Kurosaki literally summons a huge gun and shoots all three of the big things and then shoots at the kid. The monster jumps in front to protect him. After taking the blow, the kid has a change of heart and tries to protect the monster from Kurosaki. She fires anyway, but they’re engulfed in gold light. When it fades, the contract between the two is complete and the monster has transformed into a gold fox. All’s well that ends well.


Kurosaki needs some sexual healin’.

Posted in Asura Cryin' | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • So the ghost is the spirit of that guy’s mech? Is that what’s going on with her?

    • Aroduc says:

      Assuming that Kurogane is the same as Reishirou’s Hisui, then yes. Or rather, her body’s in suspended animation inside the mech. Aine (Ai-ne?) was shown last episode trapped inside of Hisui, and this episode, Takatsuki was insinuating that Misao would be in danger if Tomo kept using Kurogane.

      They didn’t show Kurasawa’s projection except for one shot when she summoned her mech.

  • Anonymous says:

    I think I might pick up this show if it continues to get good…

  • Irie says:

    The show isn’t even close to explaining what is really going on. I found a few sites discussing the background plot and it’s really complicated. I won’t spoil it.

    I would say that those that read the novels are saying the anime is going through alot of source material. They are skipping alot of development and explaining why certain things are happening.

  • Lero says:

    Kurosaki remends mi Ciel with that weapon

  • Zyl says:

    So the Cap’n is the president of the Second Student Council which subscribes to the creed of Calvinism (couldn’t understand this part) which believes in money as the ultimate object? Didn’t quite get the part about why she’s after the wolf demon either…

  • Aroduc says:

    Actually, I just misheard 会長 as 艦長. I blame GA bombarding me with military terms.

  • Vallen Chaos Valiant says:

    The Calvinist woman was after the wolf demon for one reason only; it is her job, and she gets paid for it. That’s what Calvinists do; serve God by working hard and be successful at your chosen profession. The argument is that there is no shame in being wealthy if you earned it fair and square.
    Wiki it to find out more, I guess. Calvinism don’t get mentioned anywhere much, because they are so unusual compared to other Christian denominations.