Polyphonica crimson S #01 — Once More Around the Block
April 4th, 2009
What convenient lens flare.
New Season Disclaimer:
I prefer to give every show a chance. You never know when your dream-eating insect wielding Mai HiME knockoff will turn out to be a psychological romantic thriller, or the strange moeblob show will be full of wit and urine jokes. However, my preferences are still my preferences, and while I’ll endevor to at least convey why I do or do not like things, there are genres of shows that I just plain don’t particularly enjoy. My opinions are based on nothing more than a gut reaction to what I watched literally 10-15 minutes prior and should be construed as nothing more and nothing less than that.
Well, it’s certainly better than the first iteration of the show. It feels like the art took a bit of a hit, but there’s actually animation and a significant amount of movement this time. There are even Corti Lasers. Very few things are hurt by adding lasers to little girls, especially when they’re used to blast dogs. Even so, I’m still not sure it’s up to where I’d call it anything but painfully average. They do appear to actually be attempting to have something that the first series didn’t… which is to say, a plot, and I commend them for that, but with three girls already clinging to Phoron and another one already set up to be his coworker/rival, they’ve somehow made this feel like an adaptation of a trashy porn game despite its innocuous source.
I may give it one more episode just to see what they’re actually going to do with this version, but as of right now, I’m inclined not to. If you made it through the first series, you’ll probably find this one a lot more enjoyable. I don’t think this is going to be anything more than a blip on anybody’s radar though.
Polyphonica OP
Posted in Polyphonica | 8 Comments »
The relationship between Corticarte and Foron is what will count for me. If it keeps developing as well as it was backgrounded in ep1, I may keep watching. But I’m afraid I see monster of the week coming, which is what the first series seemed to be.