Saki #01 — Get A Bra, Nodoka
April 5th, 2009
Because, damn… you desperately need one.
New Season Disclaimer:
I prefer to give every show a chance. You never know when your dream-eating insect wielding Mai HiME knockoff will turn out to be a psychological romantic thriller, or the strange moeblob show will be full of wit and urine jokes. However, my preferences are still my preferences, and while I’ll endevor to at least convey why I do or do not like things, there are genres of shows that I just plain don’t particularly enjoy. My opinions are based on nothing more than a gut reaction to what I watched literally 10-15 minutes prior and should be construed as nothing more and nothing less than that.
Like many of their shows, Gonzo’s sticking this one up with subs online so you can better ogle Nodoka’s melons. Thanks Shio.
As much as it pains me to say this, Gonzo actually did a really good job here. The art’s good, they get all the CG out of their system with the mahjong tiles, and while there are the occasional bouts of hilariously overdramatic overanimated mahjong tile declaring (complete with a lightning strike to the eye), this was still a charming little mahjong show. The mind is free to wander through the mahjong parts, confident that something is happening and there are silly pictures of whatever it is being tossed at you during it. Of course, I don’t particularly like mahjong, nor watching other people play it, but I think that people who were looking forward to this will be ecstatic with the first episode. Well… maybe a little bored since the only thing they added or changed was Nodoka bra size and the inertial limits of her wildly flailing breasts, but you know… for Gonzo… making only one breast implantation change to the source is kind of a big deal.
At any rate though, it’s being put up with subs immediately, so even if I do follow along, I probably won’t cover it. It’s no Kaiji, but if you just want a happy little show to watch some rude titties mahjong, Saki looks like it should be pretty good.
Tricking Saki into winning plus valkyries.
Posted in Anime | 22 Comments »
… so they added the bouncing which couldn’t be added in the manga? Well, it sounds like they’re sticking to the manga (itself fanservice laden, and this looks like the first two or three chapters) so far. I guess I WILL be subbing this, much to Impz’ dismay.
Also, dead Internet is dead.