Tears to Tiara #08 — Brevity Is The Soul of Wit

May 24th, 2009


It follows then, that Ermin is an imbecile… not like we needed proof.


The first half was relatively dull and they could have certainly cut down the number of repeated "and then he beat them up" pages from Ermin’s self-illustrated story book in a third and they’d still have had only a paltry half-dozen or so. Once we hit a full minute of nothing but "and then he beat them up," my brain was trying to escape my ear. I’m hoping that we also are already finished with Arthur feeling sorry for himself about getting his men killed in his idiot berserk charge against Lydia.

Speaking of the fight, I know this may seem a bit hypocritical to some, but while I’m happy that the new grunts are at least a threat to the good guys, they went just a biiiiiiiiit too far with them. Proficient soldiers are fine. People actually parrying Arthur’s attacks and a little bit of organization against Gael’s "charge the enemy and hope they run away," are great. From there, things went downhill. We had giant men in plate mail leaping through the trees with eight foot polearms, and standing up unscathed after being crushed by a few tons of lumber, and these are just the grunts. How did a guy in 40 pounds of metal manage to climb up a tree, unnoticed by anybody, including someone in the same tree? I’m not even sure why Rathty was freaking out after taking on a 20 foot troll by herself last week. I was entertained overall by the scene, but they really could have done a better job keeping it in the realm of believability. Let’s leave the flying men in platemail to Basara, eh?


Octavia’s execution.

Posted in Tears to Tiara | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kurosama says:

    that’s diferent from the game..i like it xD

  • FlameStrike says:

    Heh we have demon kings, magic, elves, and giant ass trolls. It isn’t that much of a stretch to say humans in a ton of armor can fly like monkeys XD.