Princess Lover! #08 — Maid Gear Solid
August 23rd, 2009
What’s the matter, Snake? Can’t fit into your jumpsuit?
They’re really continuing to struggle to find what tone they want to present this with, and that made this episode nowhere near as entertaining as it really should have been. Teppei and Sylvia didn’t even suit up and become super spies until almost ten minutes in, and there was still a rather lot of really strange slapstick throughout. Nothing quite says hostage situation like having Moe, Larry, and Curly taking people hostage, or motorcycle combat involving disembodied leg rockets. I don’t even want to talk about the "Idol Offensive" Seika used. Nor shall we wonder how Sylvia managed to change from her skintight jumpsuit into her normal while leaping from a helicopter cabin. It did settle down in tone a bit in the latter half, but the only action to be found was a few stills of Sylvia and Teppei wonking people with their silly little swords. I miss the days when all a superspy needed was a PP7 and a libido that just wouldn’t quit.
The two major things of interest in the episode is GMW Stubbins getting gut shot and, of course, the bomb at the ending, showing that most likely, the goal from the start was to assassinate Teppei. Of course, given that the preview for next week doesn’t have a single explosion, or even any of them popping bubble wrap, one has to wonder what the point even was. Instead, we get Charlotte dancing like a lunatic. Like I said, we’re having some distinct issues with presentation cohesion here. I also can’t believe that Stubbins is dead after all of 5 minutes of screen time, especially without a corpse. He’s probably in on it with the crazies.
Bombs? What bombs?
Posted in Princess Lover! | 8 Comments »
well that was quickest love rival elimination, ever.