11eyes #02 — Memento Mori

October 13th, 2009


What the hell?


Why the hell was the recap in Latin? Was it Latin? Something coming from East Europe at any rate.

Annnnnnyway, quite a much more enjoyable episode, although it was a tad dense at times with jargon thrown at you towards the start. They thankfully seem to have lost all the awful direction decisions and kept the good ones, so the jarring disconnects between what Kakeru sees actually feel a little more purposeful instead of happy accidents between inane zooms and strange pans. Even the fanservice was dropped significantly, probably just to spite Hinano. It’s too bad they couldn’t make the action any better than adaquate, but at least there was some slashy and stabby this week.

There was quite a bit of character overload this week however. Outside of a real introduction to Misuzu, we also hit most of the red world characters (the sealed girl Lisette and the Black Knights), as well as the secret assassin Yukiko, whose job as a secret assassin waitress totally can’t be seen coming by the OP. I was a little bit surprised that Mr. Chivalric "I WILL DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT YUKA" would completely ignore a two or three inch gouge taken out of Yukiko’s hand. Tadashi and Kaori really need to never show up ever again though. Nothing would be lost, and Kakeru could probably finally get laid without some jerk hopping onto his back and screaming at him.

Brief Summary:

Misuzu tosses a lightning sword into the shadows and it zaps them all. She explains as much as she knows about the world to them, and asks what powers they have, but the two are clueless. She tries to leave them behind, but Kakeru won’t have any of that, and Yuka’s sticking with him. They’re ambushed by shadows again, and Misuzu pulls her lightning sword from her hand and fries them all again before they keep running. The shadows chasing them are cut down by the mysterious girl that looks like Kakeru’s sister. The team keeps running, with Kakeru thinking that he needs to protect Yuka until Kakeru’s eye suddenly throbs and forces him down. He manages to get up, but they’re stopped by one of the Black Knights. Misuzu fights her briefly, then uses a spell to let them escape. They arrive at the girl’s altar. MIsuzu demands her name (Lisette) and answers, but the girl can’t help her and just begs to be saved again. There’s a little argument in the group regarding this, but they’re cut off by the arrival of the entire Black Knight squad. They’ve sealed Misuzu’s magic and attack. Elsewhere in the city, monsters are torched in a giant flame.

Back in the real world, punky checks into the nurse’s office with a bloodstained gut. The other three get plopped down in a busy square and hit up a restaurant for more discussion about the world and their powers. Misuzu makes Kakeru show her his eye, and she senses something inside her, but Yuka can’t feel anything. After Misuzu leaves, Yuka hugs Kakeru close. He has a sudden vision and goes numb, which is ruined by Tadashi leaping on him. Kakeru looks up and sees his sister, but after he blinks, he sees Shiori. She makes up some lame excuse about a cat.

Yuka and Kakeru stop off at a coffee shop where they’re served by Yukiko, one of their underclassmen. Yuka notices a huge wound on Yukiko’s hand, but she says that she’s just clumsy. As she pours them their drinks, it heals. Kakeru finally drops Yuka off at her house, but she runs back and hugs him, saying that she wants to be with him until the very end. He hugs her close and promises to protect her. That night, he has a dream of a panting woman and a knight comforting her.

The next day, he goes to the library and sees his sister hiding behind a bookcase, but she disappears again. His eye suddenly starts throbbing and when he looks out the window, he sees a black moon.


Assassin groper attacks.

Posted in 11Eyes | 16 Comments »

16 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    The first half of the episode seems to be very…. err… red.

  • クレナイユメ says:

    Well, seems like they’ve sped through the story with slight to obvious differences in the anime with reordered events, but it works out. At least they’ve shown 賢久 and 雪子 (albeit indirectly), and Kukuri in the Red Night.

    And Master wasn’t there where Yukiko was supposed to be. -sigh-

  • Tensho says:

    I think the latin part or whatever it is could be emphasize on the sorcery or Lisette.

  • Tensho says:

    BTW, the monster things are called Larva, not Ralva as most of the translation said. Larva are ancient Roman malevolent spirits.

  • chad001 says:

    Persona returns… with a vengeance…

  • iCafesuu says:

    oh shit hugging. Watching this episode right now

  • Skew says:

    I wonder what Yuka’s parents thought about her partly ripped skirt when she entered the house… She was practically walking around the area like that after the whole red world thing. I GUESS the skirt isn’t short enough to flash her panties to the world. I GUESS.

  • The Phantom says:

    I am loving this anime, I want some blood and senseless violence mixed into it, but as it is right now is good, This is perhaps the best anime show beign aired right now, but I will still wait and see what darker than black has to offer on the next episode.

  • BZ says:

    The recap was not in latin… it was hungarian ;)

  • warum says:

    I never appreciated enough Aroduc’s brief summaries, but now I know how awesome they are:

    “That night, he has a dream of a panting woman and a knight comforting her.”

    “She makes up some lame excuse about a cat.”

  • TOP2NE1 says:

    I’m getting tired of that “I’ll protect you line.” Cheesy shit. And not he cute/adorable kinda cheesy.

    I find myself preferring Minato’s unvoiced/implied dialogue over this show’s MC.

    But I guess I’ll check out a few more episodes.

  • SoDI says:

    The narrator is a Hungarian actor.
    Faragó András is his name.
    He this says it:

    “Az éjszaka hirtelen vöröses fénybe öltözik.
    Időn és téren túl a valóság és a valótlanság közötti világ.
    A fiú és lány nyomában a kérlelhetetlen fekete (nap/lovag?).
    Mi szél sodorta erre a baljós helyre őket?
    Vajon felébrednek-e valaha ebbÅ‘l a rémálomból?”

    (English translation… Excuse me, but I do not can well in English:)

    The night dresses in sudden reddish light.
    The reality and the one between the falsehood are worlds beyond time and space.
    The relentless black (sun/knight?) is the boy and a girl in his trace.
    A what kind of breeze swept them onto this sinister place?
    They wake up once from this nightmare?

  • Deathangel says:

    well a more accurate translation, if I don’t bother:

    “The night suddenly dresses into a reddish light
    The world between reality and fable, past space and time.
    In wake of the boy and the girl, the unforgiving black knight.
    What kind of fate swept these two into this place?
    Will they ever awaken from this nightmare?”

    BTW, I’m also Hungarian, but I have no idea why the intro of this episode is told in our language :/

  • Revennge says:

    It’s German.

  • Eye says:

    No, it’s NOT German. It’s hungarian. I know that very well because I can speak both of them – Hungarian and German.
    My translation for the text:

    “Suddenly the night is turning into a red light.
    The world existing in-between reality and irreality is (located) beyond time and space.
    The boy and the girl, finding themselves in this world, are being attacked by black wearing knights. (or sth.)
    Just how did they come here/what had brought them to this troublesome, terrible/baneful place?
    Will they ever wake up from this nightmare?”

    But i couldn’t find out yet why the Text in the beginning and the titles are hungarian.
    I really would like to know ^^

  • Byokugen says:

    Well it bases from a Hungarian folk tale ^^
    I’m half Hungarian and half Bulgarian, I was told similar tale when I was a kid ^^