Dance in the Vampire Bund #02 — But Not Really…

January 13th, 2010

At 8 minutes into this episode, I was bored to tears by Vampire Hills 90210, so just started skipping around. Naked little girl full frontal rubdown… very short bullet-time fight against Mr and Mrs Smith, giant spider tentacle web raping the little girl. Fan-bloody-tastic. In any case, there are two other Wednesday shows I’d rather watch already, and while both are fairly brainlessly entertaining, at least they don’t feel like upwards of 50-75% of both their episodes were spent killing time on things only marginally related to the relevant events of the show. Methinks I’ll stick to just four shows over the two days to make sure I don’t go too crazy. I would say this was better than last week’s episode, but the show still felt like it was going absolutely nowhere and doing it uphill through frozen molasses, and the promise of more giant spiders and werewolves molesting little girls isn’t exactly a compelling argument to stick around either.

Posted in Anime | 17 Comments »

17 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    Just thinking about typing this makes me vomit in my mouth a lot, but considering the mood of the manga, this here would have made a better OP than naked loli ice skating on asphalt:

    Yeah, that’s right. I went there. I went there and I won’t take it back. I REGRET NOTHING!

    I know they tried to use the whole “dance” thing, but it just doesn’t work that way.

    • Anonymous says:

      Now that I’ve seen the episode… this is godawful. I don’t mind if an anime differs from the original material as long as it’s faithful to the characters and the story’s fundamental concept, but it’s like this show is going out of its way to do the exact opposite of the manga. It’s worse than Zero no Tsukaima. Even DEEN could come up with a better adaptation than this.

      • Haesslich says:

        Still downloading. This is sounding like it’s following the lead of the first episode. Damn you, SHAFT.

  • Haesslich says:

    I don’t recall any dancing in the manga. I’ll have to catch the raw to see if they actually… well, y’know, read the manga or not.

  • jep says:

    So this isnt following manga at all?

  • Mania Lyssa says:

    Nope, it isn’t.

    Seems like the only hope now is for this series to pull a Hellsing Ultimate.

    Namely 12-episode anime original…

    … 7-8 OAV series that follows the manga.

  • Aex says:

    Looks like next week is the cut-off for me. It’ll either suck 100% or save itself, but I’m not holding my breath. Seriously, amnesia? That wrecks almost the entire romance aspect… damn you, SHAFT, indeed.

  • Erm, I didn’t get it? She was superpowerful in the first episode. I mean, a guy died just because she told him to. And now in this episode she lost all that wicked aura and got totally beaten up? She seemed like a totally different person. Wtf was that about?

    I’m hating the fact that vampires are turning into animals. Why can’t they just be vampires? It would be so much cooler.

    • wilson191 says:

      She can only control vampires that she and her subordinate created…that’s the other group’s vampire…but yeah….it’s really different compared to her strength in the manga…

  • SOSAnimeBoy says:

    For everyone who’s pissed at the direction the anime is taking:

    So yeah, it isn’t the studio’s fault in this case. The mangaka got f-ed in the head.

    (btw, Kudos to OMNI for this info).

  • The Phantom says:

    I dunno why the insist in showing the loli half naked, is disgusting, wtf are they thinking? someone should be jailed for this garbage.

  • Haesslich says:

    Phantom: Because someone’s fucked in the head.

    SOSAnimeBoy: Oh god. Did someone drug the manga-ka or is this Shinbo trying to play spin control?

  • Justin says:

    “Just thinking about typing this makes me vomit in my mouth a lot, but considering the mood of the manga, this here would have made a better OP than naked loli ice skating on asphalt:

    Yeah, that’s right. I went there. I went there and I won’t take it back. I REGRET NOTHING!

    I know they tried to use the whole “dance” thing, but it just doesn’t work that way.”

    [Its a matter of preference.]

    “Now that I’ve seen the episode… this is godawful. I don’t mind if an anime differs from the original material as long as it’s faithful to the characters and the story’s fundamental concept, but it’s like this show is going out of its way to do the exact opposite of the manga.”

    [So thats the condition of enjoying an anime? Pathetic. Narrow-minded.]

    It’s worse than Zero no Tsukaima. Even DEEN could come up with a better adaptation than this.”

    [A lousy comparison. You’re comparing something thats complete with another thats not.]

    “Oh dear, this cannot be! SHAFT undo what you’ve done and make this awesome!”

    [Its too early to tell.]

    “Looks like next week is the cut-off for me. It’ll either suck 100% or save itself, but I’m not holding my breath. Seriously, amnesia? That wrecks almost the entire romance aspect… damn you, SHAFT, indeed.”

    [At the very least, please explain yourself. Then again, to enjoy an anime is to make a smart choice to constantly compare it with its manga or not to. Although, at times, reading the manga can help further enjoy the anime.]

    “She can only control vampires that she and her subordinate created…that’s the other group’s vampire…but yeah….it’s really different compared to her strength in the manga…”

    [Is that a good thing or bad thing? Please don’t make statements like this; it will only give false impressions of an anime that may have potential.]

    “I dunno why the insist in showing the loli half naked, is disgusting, wtf are they thinking? someone should be jailed for this garbage.”

    [This is a matter of preference. To assert your preferences and utterly turn down others is utterly selfish and disrespectful. Suppose you like the way it already is and someone tells you off for liking an anime that disgusts, how would you feel? However, I do agree that some preferences are forbidden, but we are all people, we feel the same towards our preferences. So, please refrain from saying such things.]

    • The Phantom says:

      I am not going to read the ocean of text you posted (you have nothing better to do?) but if you like watching a loli half naked you deserve to be jailed, jess, sick people everywhere, and even more sick those that defend them.

      • Solaris says:

        Wait a minute. It’s not really like that. Given that using a very young char like that is “dangerous”, think about why they depicted it like that.
        Of course they wanted to shock the audience showing this brat’s half naked body, every lolicons and christian integralists fell pro or because of it!
        Mina’s a vampire in a child’s body but despite her young appearance she’s got an adult mind and she behaves like that, at least in the manga. Drama should arise due to Mina’s dualistic nature.
        But of course generic superficial anime viewers just watched a naked loli and instantly claimed at the scandal without realizing what was that char and whatnot.

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