Hanamaru Kindergarten #01 — Subhuman
January 10th, 2010
Even adjusting for anime standards, those things are about a foot tall.
First Episode Disclaimer:
I’m tired of writing disclaimers.
Given the dearth of shows I’ve liked so far airing on days other than Wednesday and Thursday, I was really hoping that I’d like this, but unfortunately, it seems more focused on trying to be cutesy and touching at every single turn instead of entertaining. Since my heart has long since turned into a cold hard shriveled ball of cynicism, I’ve long since developed a resistance to such nonsense. Besides, it always feels a tad machinated when every five minutes ends with everybody standing in a circle and smiling at each other. The only jokes in the episode are "Anzu says something odd, Tsuchi makes a silly face, everybody laughs." Oh wait, that should be "Shrieks something odd" because the only way to show that the kids are young are for the VAs to raise their voices half an octave and scream into the microphone. Ha ha ha, she just shrieked that she wants to marry him and he got flustered. What a fanbloodytastic joke that I haven’t seen abused in 500 other show already.
Yes, I may in fact be dead inside.
Production was… sufficient, shall we say? They certainly aren’t trying particularly hard, but at least they’re not failing at it. Nothing particularly interesting or surprising on the character front either. All the moeblobs are pretty much there to shriek at the camera in their irritating voices while most of the rest of the story revolves around Tsuchi and his burgeoning harem. He’s about as lame as they come though. It hasn’t been a good season for protagonists. Tsuchi is competing with Hidden God’s Hiro for the most milquetoast though. Tsuchi doesn’t have the excuse that he’s in a town full of monsters trying to eat him… although that would be a good twist for this show if we went in a Children of the Corn direction here.
So… meh. Not my cup of tea at all and I’d be hard pressed to say that anything about the production impressed me either. I’ll admit that next week looks a lot more entertaining in kind of a Muppet Babies way (not that that’s much of a step up), but this episode oscillated between boring me and inflicting pain at me from all the shrill yelling. Neither are major selling points.
Well, that’s different.
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And here’s another loli-in-love-with-an-older-guy show.