The Legend of the Legendary Heroes — Next Chapter PV

August 7th, 2010

Apparently Zexcs’ new gimmick is to release PVs of their shows as they air. They did this through Himari as well. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like there’s too much Sion in the episodes to come, but some good stuff between Lyner and Ferris instead. I also don’t remember that war footage from earlier episodes, but I could be mistaken. Edit: Ah, apparently much of it is clips from previous PVs they put out, they just decided to recut it and put a new one out. Well, that’s embarrassing. Oh well. *shrug* Thanks for pointing that out, Katapan.

Posted in Legend^2 | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Civil says:

    wow, looks epic.
    too bad, the name really turned a lot people off. =.=;
    They should have name it “Stigma” or something that relates to all the major characters. For instance, Claymore, Berserk, and Blood+ to name a few.

    That said, this PV is too much of a spoiler…. it ruins the urge to see the next episodes, a bit.

  • Katapan says:

    Even better, they didn’t release this after a few episodes, they went as far as releasing it before the show even started: available since May 31st.

    Ah, ZECXS and their spoilers. This did make me more pumped up for the series than the first eps, so their strategy’s not all that stupid either.

    • Aroduc says:

      Ah. Well… there’s egg on my face. I just saw that they tossed up a new PV and didn’t bother checking it against the old ones. Oopsies.

  • wilson191 says:

    That’s a freaking huge spoiler….