My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute #01 — Maybe She’s Born With It
October 3rd, 2010
Maybe it’s Maybelline.
This was surprisingly dull in almost every way. AIC clearly isn’t putting much, if any effort into it. Like Yakumo, it’s little more than a parade of talking heads frm start to finish. There’s more movement and actual animation in this animated show than Yakumo, but not much. I’m not even really sure why AIC decided to cut the OP and ED from this episode given that it took the entire bloody episode just to introduce the premise of the show. The whole thing was about ten minutes longer than it had any business being. Much of my enjoyment of the episode came from trying to identify the games in Kirino’s stack, although I’m really not sure why she had Cross Days in there. How exactly does that have anything to do with little sister fetishism?
There’s not much to say about the characters thus far since 98% of the screentime was Kirino and Kyousuke. One has a permanent blush and the other has a permanent case of stupid. The show is really trying to sell itself on nothing but Kirino looking ‘cute,’ which got old fast. I’m also immune to the eight pounds of makeup that gives her permanently flushed cheeks. There needs to be something more to the show than just her blushing and waving her butt in the air. There are very few jokes, nothing visually interesting going on, and it’s all infected by an overly synthesized soundtrack that often sounds like a trombone is being strangled by an accordion.
I’ll give it another 5-10 minutes to be not-boring next week, but I really cannot say that I’m impressed or even lukewarm about this thus after one episode. AIC’s done so much better than this lately. Even Campanella and Overrun managed to at least have some energy and excitement in their opening episode. This had… well… two kids sitting in a room talking. And absolutely nothing more than that.
Posted in Little Sister | 11 Comments »
I like how she had school days, summer days and cross days.
maybe she has a yandere fetish too..