Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt #02 — Movie References

October 8th, 2010


It’s funny because it’s a reference.


Man. These episodes were just dumb, and without any kind of neat action to support them, this was pretty tough to get through. The second half in particular was just a series of shots of the two walking into American movie scenes, grabbing porn, then leaving. I get it. Someone on your staff is an American movie buff. Kind of. You said "Shyamalan" and did a scene from 2001 with its awful classical music, and other movies too. I get it. That’s… not funny at all. That’s more directed at fanboys who will clap their hands like harp seals and cry out "I recognized that! Look how smart I am! Tee hee." I’m sure that even as I write, someone is furiously putting together a list of all the movie scenes, references, and people’s names they used so they can rub it against their thighs in bliss.

The first part wasn’t much better either. Strip away the art style and vulgarity, and it was just another bad set of teens going to school jokes. Maybe they’re cribbing notes from Symbionic Titan, but I’m already sick to death of that. A popular cheerleader having all her attempts at being a bitch turn against her. Yes. Clearly the macrocosm of highschool life. If you lived in a 1990s sitcom. I felt like I was watching the dirty version of Totally Spies, and I don’t even know how clean the original even is.

So… meh. It wasn’t quite as puerile as the crap monster, but it was pretty close. Neither part of this even begun to approached sheer visual style of the car chase from the first episode, and even if they had, I wasn’t sure I was going to keep writing about it simply because there’s nothing really to the show outside the visual style. I’ve already exhausted everything that I have to say about that. Two shows for Friday morning is enough anyway. Particularly when both will probably conspire to make my head throb with technical jargon.

Posted in Anime | 16 Comments »

16 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • ty says:

    Wow. Is there anything you DON’T hate?

  • Moogy says:

    for weeaboos in denial and/or reverse weeaboos

  • welpy says:

    I didn’t even pay attention to the references in the second half and I loved it becuase it was fun character-driven comedy. The references weren’t the jokes, the jokes were stuff like Panty being oblivious to the fact that porno videos give her bad reputation or the fucked-up relationship the sisters have.

  • Solaris says:

    I didn’t recognize any reference at all. I must be dumb, therefore i didn’t like this :**

  • Anonymous says:

    So many people hating on Aroduc because he doesn’t like a show that they like.

  • welpy says:

    I just don’t see how episode 4 wasn’t character-driven comedy instead of reference-driven comedy.

  • Hexmage says:

    Aww, you’re not gonna cover this anymore? Oh well…

    I too thought the second-half was character-driven comedy. Panty acted like a total bitch to her sister, Stocking helped Panty find all the porn tapes (which didn’t take-up nearly as much time as you imply it did) despite Panty not deserving her help, and Panty repaid her by continuing to act like a total bitch.

    I didn’t care too much for the first-half other than the fight sequence at the end, though.

    Also, if you hate references, I bet you absolutely loathed the Beat-Alls episode of the Powerpuff Girls.

  • God guys, the episode wasn’t funny. LIVE WITH IT.

  • OverMaster says:

    I had stopped visiting this blog because every post about every series seemed to be a bashfest (Zetsubou Sensei-panned, Highschool of the Dead-panned, This-panned, That-panned), and I was getting sick of so much negativity. Seems it hasn’t improved at all.

    Honestly, at this point I, if I were you, would just reconsider if I actually like anime and want to continue with the whole enchilada or not.