C79: Kengeki Musou Trial Impressions

December 31st, 2010

It’s so short, I barely even feel like posting anything.

Have I mentioned janky controls for doujin games at all for the last two Comikets yet? Well, it’s another one here. The occasionally camera shot completely obscured by trees and the route and tedious platforming don’t help either. The thing that really bothered me though was the total absence of any signal as to when you had taken damage. It certainly is pretty, but it needs a lot more polish to be anything better than a tech demo. Making the sword attack useful at all would be a good start, and either removing the uncreative platforming or putting in a better checkpointing system so a single misstep doesn’t result in doing half of it all over again would also be a great help.

It’s almost a decent start for an engine, but you can only get so far on prettiness. It still has a very long ways to go and needs a lot more creativity into its level design if it’s going to end up being a good game.

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