Touhou Sky Arena Announced

December 9th, 2010


Okay, so maybe this announcement is a month late, but they only actually put up the site… uh… a week ago. Shut up! *ahem* From the makers of Magical Battle Arena comes the oh so creatively titled Touhou Sky Arena, built on a refined version of the same engine but with at least half a dozen more bars and gauges. It’s like Reimu really is a jet now. Or something… Only Reimu and Marisa are confirmed so far, but it’s a safe bet that most of the cast from Touhou Sky Fight will be returning. The trial will be on sale at Winter Comiket this year.

Posted in Touhou Sky Arena | 8 Comments »

8 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Rewriter says:

    Fuck yeah! It’s bout time!

  • The Deviant says:

    omg………….. like in my dreams

  • Keith 'Azure Grimoire' Kurogane says:

    Yeah! Marisa will be doing a Starli- err… Magic Cannon: Final Spark!

  • Kagekyuubi says:

    Bullet hell in 3D… I don’t know whether to be more awed or fearful.

  • guy says:

    only 2 characters ?

  • Hydremajor says:

    Any way to keep track of this pretty please ?

  • pentaura says:

    @guy 8 characters, according to official website
    reimu, marisa, cirno, sakuya, youmu, alice, suwako, and utsuho

  • Khorinthian says:

    Well now that an earthquake occurred we can expect a delay in the release, no?