Dragon Crisis! #03 — Slash Breath
January 24th, 2011
I prefer Colgate.
Certainly much much better than last week, but this episode was so riddled with terrible cliches that I was laughing more at the show than with it. Which is particularly sad because there wasn’t a single joke in the episode. We’ve got it all here… humans and dragons can’t get along, magic swords, a fusion dance, a giant tower that gets destroyed, I will protect her, I don’t know anything but racial whatever but I like her, kiss of life, yada yada yada in and out and all about. I’m not even sure if Ryuuji was actually hurt by their fusion dance either of if part of his stomach was just being eaten by the nuclear glow that then covered the screen. HEY DEEN, GET SOMEBODY TO CHECK THE GAMMA LEVELS. THEY COULD USE SOME TWEAKING!
*ahem* Ryuuji actually manned up a little bit this week at least. While the action still leaves a lot… a lot… to be desired, at least they’re sort of trying. Sort of. I’m not sure Ryuuji was ready for combat after accidentally destroying a room and nearly taking off Eriko’s head, but anything that puts him in harm’s way is fine by me. Still, people motionlessly firing energy blasts back and forth are only a level or two above shots of people’s feet in the choreographic spectrum, but it’s still better than the melodramatic angst flood from last week. I did enjoy Eriko shooting Onyx in the head while he was distracted, even if I have no clue how that resulted in his earring being blasted back towards her. Physics and Dragon Crisis have only a tenuous relationship at best. I’m also not even sure if they beat Onyx. The magic flame dagger combination attack made a giant black dragon melt. What does that even mean? Shouldn’t someone have checked up on that? Frankly, I’m just glad that godawful scientist seems to finally be out of the picture. Replacing him with a large breasted Horie Yui voiced dragon may be the best move this show could possibly take.
Off to the beach already?
Posted in Dragon Crisis! | 8 Comments »
lol next beach/swimsuit episode