Freezing #06 — “She Never Give Up To Grow Taller”
February 11th, 2011
It’s hard to take the antagonists seriously when the eyecatches recommend patting their heads.
Not a terrible episode, but I’m already struggling to find anything interesting to say about it. Everything about it just screams generic new girl/rival for any action show, complete with the real antagonists instigating a misunderstanding that sparks a fight between the leads. I did find it amusing that after my complaints last week about putting De Arimasu up against a bunch of nobodies, she fought both Ganessa and Bridg this week. On the flipside, that meant that the animation for the other 18 or so minutes of the episode… well… wasn’t. The bit in the first half where the dynamic duo were telling Kazuya about the last guy Bridg eviscerated was particularly awful. The shots just kept getting more and more zoomed in on their eyes as the scene dragged along.
Kazuya’s only contribution to the episode was stammering when both females told him to address them more familiarly too. De Arimasu practically had to wet hump him the cafeteria to get her point across. As with every fight in this show to date, they had to make up new attacks for De Arimasu vs Bridg too, although for being inside a gym, there was a curiously large amount of budget conserving dust being kicked up by every single move. I’m also unclear on the upper limit of Accels now that we’re at Double. Is it like the Kaioken? How much can her body take? De Arimasu can grow light wings too. Apparently both of these things makes 3rd years very very annoyed for reasons I’ve yet to fully comprehend. Do they really not have anything better to do? Isn’t there an entire class full of other 3rd year psychopaths assumably also trying to all kill each other? Also, why does every character insist on ambushing each other coming out of the shower?
Kicking girls while they’re down.
Posted in Freezing | 10 Comments »
This feels just as bad as Black God.