Black Lagoon #28 — Tell and Tell

March 12th, 2011


Hey Madhouse. How about some action here?


These OVAs really need to remember that the reason the original series was fun to watch was because of things blowing up and colorful characters, not because they were deep, introspective looks at humanity delivered by an endless procession of talking heads. It’s hard to even find the twenty seconds of action in this episode entertaining either because of how ridiculous it was. Roberta caught a machete in the mouth and proceeded to eat it. Then broke a chainsaw using the butts of her guns. Of course, since this was the dramatic scene where the protagonists finally encountered her, they followed it with a testicles gag, complete with bell ringing sound effect.

The remaining 28 minutes of the episode was little more than talking heads, about forty percent came from unnamed American soldiers, another forty percent from Balalaika, and the remaining balance being Rock and Ada casually shooting the breeze. It’s bad enough when shows resort to just having characters dump out gigantic strings of narration instead of showing anything worth looking at, but it feels even worse when they’re all carrying guns. At least the special agents are actually competent this time around, unlike the last OVA where nobody could hit a stationary target ten feet away from them with automatic weaponry. Still, I can barely remember when Rebby was even relevant to this show anymore. Her total contribution in the OVAs to date is to duck behind the bar in the first one and get shot in the arm here. How about… I don’t know… using your protagonist instead of showing Garcia whining? Just a thought here. Might improve things.


Jungle love.

Posted in Black Lagoon | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • liubei013 says:

    Ah…figured as much. They really are following the manga to the letter, which was just as heavy in the ‘talking heads’ and with a lot less Revy. I expect nearly more of the same as this ‘arc’ concludes next ep. :/