Freezing #10 — EMARGENCY
March 11th, 2011
Lazy Canadians.
An okay episode, but it has pretty much the exact same problem as last week’s episode. You have the characters and all their little motivations going on over in this side of the world, while meanwhile, the plot is occurring over here, and the two still haven’t actually come together yet. Assumably they will next episode since the Nova-Pandoras are practically on top of them, but who knows. Maybe they’ll escape out a trap door or something to mope around for another week instead of defending THE SOURCE OF ALL POWER. They should have used the four elemental crystals instead. That’s something we all know and understand, although I suppose then they wouldn’t have fulfilled their nipple quota for the episode. Speaking of that, I did find it amusing that when the warning sounded, almost every single girl was naked or in their underwear. I swear, this school…
I also feel that it’s a really poor writing decision to have the No-Pans be essentially a group of completely random girls while all the characters that the show’s introduced to date are sitting on their thumbs doing nothing. If known characters were the ones that got eaten, at least there could be some kind of ethical conflict here instead of… well… nothing. And do not even whine to me about "that’s not how the source does it" or I will slap you with a cod. They’re not even that threatening so far either, especially since the big Nova apparently lost its will to live after spewing them back out. Heck, the only known girl that the No-Dos beat up was Miyabi, who is impossible to take seriously ever since her eyecatch about "Enjoying With a Lot of Me." That was back in episode 3. Beating her up and destroying a bunch of doors does not exactly strike fear into me, especially after they tossed out a gag of Kazuya being strong enough to freeze the entire school on a whim.
I highly doubt that the Japanese can actually pronounce Ravensborne Nucleochede.
Posted in Freezing | 4 Comments »
I want download it episode, too a second season.