Freezing #11 — Stabbing Motions

March 25th, 2011


You don’t even have any leverage, Cathy.


I’m actually surprised that they did a decent job keeping the whole class power level thing in check. The upper classmen took out all of the Nova-Pandoras without serious injury except for the two that slipped through (Cathy and whose-her-face) and whose-her-face only took out Lizzie by playing dead. I wish we had actually seen Lizzie in action though. I like a long haired blonde with delusions of magehood. It was a little disappointing to see that the Nova-Doras were freeable just by breaking the little gem on their chests though, and once Cathy switched her extendable handblades for wrist knives, some things got rather silly, particularly when she made motions to stab Bridget like some kind of backwards praying mantis. Yes, stab her. With a slashing weapon coming out of the back of her forearm. I’m not sure that I can think of a more awkward motion to try to menace people with. The only thing you can do like that is stab into Bridget’s white meat, and only even that because it sticks out like a balcony.

The rest of it was fairly solid action with only a little bit of it being consumed by Bridg being whiny and Kazuya’s generic moralistic speech about protecting things important to you. Of course, this show being what it is, that ended with Bridg turning naked and glowing like the midday sun when she accepted it. De Arimasu went down like a champ protecting useless Ganessa, leaving the rest of it to combine the words Tempest, Double, Accel, and Triple in various ways for the remainder of the fight. I swear, the writing in the fight scenes is like Madlibs, but at least they keep the screen flashing and giving epileptics seizures. Even if you can’t tell what’s going on, they continue to do a decent job covering it with explosions and bright lights.

FYI, due to the broadcast chaos, episode 12 will not be airing next week which leaves its earliest airing as Wednesday, April 6th on Tokyo MX, although that’s followed by AT-X’s broadcast 8 hours later. Unlike AT-X’s broadcast, T-MX’s will be censored and widescreen, but eh. There’s nothing else airing on Wednesdays even including the new season stuff.


Recap footage! That’s how you can tell it’s the last episode!

Posted in Freezing | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • jpmeyer says:

    Weakness point when touched: breasts

    • Aroduc says:

      Sometimes the most obvious answer is the correct one.

      Actually, I’m surprised that she’s apparently the only one.

  • Benigmatica says:

    What, recap episode on Episode 12? Say it ain’t so…

  • foshizzel says:

    Nice post, where did you get your video from?? I haven’t had any luck finding a video that has no black bars on the sides D: makes it annoying for screencaps T_T