A Bridge to the Starry Sky #01 — “You’ve Got a Small Dick”
April 10th, 2011
Now what, Porn Game Protaganist?
Man, talk about a half-assed, thrown together, poorly produced bunch of shameless porn game cliches. I know it’s Dogakobo, but they should still feel bad about tossing this out, malformed faces and all. Little did I know that the CG train and bus were going to possibly be the best looking things in the show. About the only bright part of the episode was the landlady, who after he ran into her naked, spent the entire rest of the episode making fun of his dick. These kind of thick-headed moron protagonists are of the breeder class anyway, not the thinker class, and if he doesn’t even have the goods for that, he’s completely screwed. Well, there is some joy to be had at the expense of his extremely effeminate brother.
I barely even want to dignify this by saying any more than that. It’s full of every bad harem cliche imaginable. The childhood friend he can’t quite remember, tripping and falling (and kissing!) a girl in the first 60 seconds of meeting her, the combative one, and Scrappy Doo. The entire focus is on Kazuma, but the only personality trait he manages to bring to bear is having no spine and a tiny penis. I’m being generous about the spine part too. He may actually be sucking in the spines from nearby other characters by having less than zero… Zero spines… Look! See what this show has done to my wordmancery?
Anyway, eminently skippable. This looks to be yet another in the Da Capo/Fortune Arterial/Myself;Yourself type of half-assed trashy throwaway porn game adaptations and SURPRISE, most of the staff has worked on at least one or more of those. Except the director. Who has been in charge of nothing before this. Fan-bloody-tastic.
Yeah. Share a giant crepe with your brother. That’s not mockable at all.
Posted in Starry Sky | 13 Comments »
Pretty cliched throughout, but the Inn Mistress is making give this show another try, if only to see her make fun of his dick and tease him with nyotaimori dinners.