April 2nd, 2011
Time to use the power of… SOME OTHER SHOW!.
Don’t mind me. Just going through the motions making sure that this Sunday morning Jump adaptation is another Sunday morning Jump adaptation instead of something potentially vaguely interesting. Have I mentioned that I still miss ZKC? Now that was Sunday morning TV I could get behind. This was especially kind of pathetic since they brought in the One Piece cast for a crossover to really blatantly use the latter’s popularity. When your show isn’t even strong enough to stand on its own legs from the start, you know there are issues. They’re calling this episode #1 though, so I’m going with it.
So, the $50 question. Does it do anything different from every other Jump adaptation that makes it stand out?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Heck, just watching the montage OP for this ‘special’ shows you most of the interesting parts. Some of the brief flurries of action do look okay, but they’re separated by the usual long long segments of annoying screaming that’s supposed to pass for humor and I’m sure will last only as long as the crossover with the successful show does. Aaaand most of it is included in the montage OP anyway. AAaaaaaaaaaaand the big final attack was literally posing for 30 seconds before stock footage with glowing forks and knives over stills. And3 the rest of the animation was embarrassingly bad. Admittedly though, the random screaming was one of the few things that actually drew my attention back to it under the pretense that louder volume might mean something interesting was about to happen, but it was always a lie. A damn dirty lie. Tinkering with the volume knob is not a substitute for actually making a joke, damn it.
I highly doubt that’s edible.
Posted in Anime | 10 Comments »
Wait, those are One Piece characters.
I haven’t been following anything Jump lately (aside from the new Magico manga), so I’m not quite sure what’s going on. Did someone’s self-insert fanfiction get animated?