Xross Scramble Redux: Nanoha “Take a Shot” Edition

August 5th, 2007


Yep, another combo exhibition video of my favorite hentai game series.

I did this one with Saros’ help, and in theory, there was supposed to be an HQ version, but Saros kind of disappeared off the face of the internet and my little laptop can’t handle recording and playing at the same time particularly well. I’m rather happy with how this one turned out, from both a direction standpoint (all the splicing and whatnot was me) and from a play format. My combos were Claire (pink hair), Nanami (watermelon), Nanashi (bunny girl) and Downy (male mage), and while the Nanashi combo is probably the most overall impressive, if you’ve spent any amount of time playing with Claire, you’ll understand how much of a pain in the ass it is to combo anything with her. Plus, the Nanashi combo was an offshoot of something Saros already did that I expanded on and changed a little bit.

Anyway, the song is Take a Shot, which was the insert song for the Fate/Nanoha teamup at the end of the first Nanoha season sung by Nana Mizuki… no I will not tell you where to find it. The pictures are mostly CG from Duel Savior Justice with a few from Xross Scramble while the anime character intros are from the PS2’s Duel Savior Destiny. Enjoy!

Posted in Games | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Hemisphere says:

    Xcross Scramble is also one of my favorite eroges, though I usually play it only when I have spare time, as I’m busy with other titles at the moment. I’m spoiled thanks to Esca, so I’m not very good at comboing with the other characters, but your Clair combo is indeed impressive. Yeah, she’s a tough nut to combo with.