Koharu Biyori #02 — On The Importance of Alcohol

January 14th, 2008


And the problems when it’s lacking.


Yui’s rival, Kuon appears, there’s a maid competition (which somehow Mariel, Mahoro, Multi and Nanoha were a part of) and Yui learns to accept being herself. Then, because the maid contest’s competitions of putting on stockings and fellating popsicles clearly weren’t trashy enough, we have a beach episode… but Yui can’t swim, and while demonstrating her ability to run on water, her crotch catches on fire. Then they dress in cow aprons and are attacked by octopi and transform into the super sentai fighting squad to defeat the octopus.

AND THEN BECAUSE THAT WASN"T ENOUGH FANSERVICE we have naked bathtime, including Ayumi slapping the big boobs silly. It was bad enough that they existed without the bouncing noise every time one of them moved.

Then to scale things in a different direction, one of Takaya’s old… let’s call her a friend… shows up in a shift, bra and panties to hit on him for awhile, making Yui uncomfortable until she and Takaya reconcile and Sakuya confesses that she thinks he’s just really cool.

I feel like I lost the flow of this episode somewhere around the time that Yui’s crotch was on fire, and I wouldn’t be too terribly surprised if the same could be said for the writers. Why why why did I not drink heavily before watching this?

Let’s just make the Koharu Biyori drinking game now:

  • One drink per boop bouncing noise
  • One drink per cosplay
  • One drink per guest appearance
  • One drink per ‘oppai’
  • One drink per ‘gosuhjin-sama’
  • Two drinks per boob smush on Takaya
  • Two drinks per time something is fellated
  • Three drinks per tentacle molestation
  • Five drinks per uncomfortable incestual scene
  • As long as Sakuya is onscreen in nothing but a bra and panties, drink
  • While the OP is playing… drink
  • Every time Yui reaffirms that she’s an okay maid robot after all, take a shot.

Is it perfect? No. But it’d get you trashed in no time at all and from there, things only get better.

OP #2

Posted in Koharu Biyori | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sage says:


  • Kresnik says:

    Watch one episode of these and you won’t need anymore fanservice for months..

  • tienguan says:

    getting massive nosebleed. Damn,tissue….where is the tissue box.