Amatsuki #01 — Fear Holographic ROBOTIC EVIL LINCOLN

April 4th, 2008

And his army of evil monkeylions.


Wow, was this ever boring. Really. boring. Really really boring. Let’s start with the positives I guess. Production values were all pretty decent. Good crisp art, though honestly nothing interesting to look at, sufficiently animated (though the action was brief and just a couple slashes), and the BGM never really got in the way of the show. It’s too bad that most of the content was exceedingly soporific. Good word… soporific. It was just delivered so predictably and without any energy whatsoever.

Things picked up a little bit once the monkeylion attacked, but after that brief interlude, things dropped right back into endless self-narration about everything being visually shown and lots and lots of exposition for most of the rest of the episode. It seems like it could be interesting, but so far, the show’s gone out of its way to introduce and deliver the plot in as boringly as possible. There aren’t even the lush backgrounds to look at that Allison and Lillia had.

If the show picks up some energy or does something compelling, I can see myself following it, but at least as far as this episode went, I wasn’t drawn in at all.

Amatsuki OP


I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Posted in Anime | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • redbible says:

    12 Kingdoms?

  • Aroduc says:

    Nowhere near as good as 12 Kingdoms, though I guess Yoko was an even more unsympathetic character at the start than Rikugo… but Rikugo is a relatively boring and good natured guy. I don’t see him evolving in the same way as her. The art and animation is also nowhere near the levels of 12 Kingdoms.

  • Hinano says:

    why do even the girls in this show look like men?

  • Aroduc says:

    Because the men in the show wear silly goggles and go to fantasy VR buildings to escape their lives.

  • Jin says:

    The manga starts off pretty slow as well. It doesn’t really start to get crazy interesting until the very end of the first volume. But staying on the ride is definitely well worth it. I felt that after reading the manga, the anime would really start out slow the first few episodes. And since the website opened, I didn’t really like the character designs or animation at all. The art in the anime is really sub par compared to the manga. I feel the series in terms of art should really deserve more since that’s what kept me into the manga when there were boring parts. I was a little disappointed that they didn’t animate the scene were Toki and his friends were dork-gasming over the VR place. It would’ve added some nice humor to the episode ;(

  • Kyo says:

    There’s girls?? *never saw one*

  • LazyMcChan says:

    Yeah there’s one or two. The others are quite androgynous, just so they can push the yaoi vibes<.<, aside from that I really enjoyed the manga. Lots of yada yada going on that’s not going to change much but things do pick up.