Kyouran Kazoku Nikki #08 — The Love of Gods

May 31st, 2008


Ouka, your life confuses me.


I’m tired of waiting for a decent raw, and I need to feed myself before Absoultely Lovely Time, so Niconico raw get! Of course, as I go to post, I notice that a decent one appeared 15 minutes ago. Oh well.

First off, I’m not entirely certain that "Shinigami Sanban" is Ouka’s girlfriend’s name, especially since her older sister is "Shinigami Niban" which could also just be translated as "Second Death God" and "Third Death God," so… whatever. I’m open to someone correcting me on this one. She (and her sister) did like punning off their name if it is their actual surname though.

Anyway, an episode without FAMILY ARE IMPORTANT speeches from Kyouka. It’s a Christmas miracle. Of course, Shinigami’s sister is manipulating things and causing problems, so I have no doubt that we’ve got at least one speech coming next episode. Ouka really has had a pretty screwed up past to be involved with crazy skull masked killers. It does amuse me that he won Shinigami’s heart by punching her in the face. I guess that’s how love works when you’re a preadolescent in Japan. Then again, I haven’t had too much experience with people rushing at me trying to kill me with broken glass, so I’m guess Shinigami was a bit unbalanced to begin with. I do with her little laugh was a little less annoying, but otherwise, I like her so far. She provides a nice dark humor backdrop to all the bubbly optimism and occasionally sickeningly sweet joie de vivre that the rest of the cast is eternally infected with, despite their collective OH SO TRAGIC PASTS.

Then again, the villain at the moment makes bunny ears sprout on things that she possesses. I don’t find bunny ears too frightening. Well… most bunnies at any rate.

Yuka ED on Primary Broadcast

Uh. Don’t ask for a summarization of that starting sequence, it was multiple people talking at once. Of import was Ouka’s dream of a Death God.

Night. The wind howls. Ouka, age 7, follows a girl through a sterile facility, thinking about his future.

She brings him to a room in total disrepair. Broken toys lay all over the ground torn to pieces and the walls are covered in bloodstains. A girl sits in the middle of it and greets him. She’s clearly on the edge of insane and quickly moves towards him, but Ouka punches her away. A broken shard of glass falls out of her hand as she collapses.

A woman applauds him from behind. She’s wearing a skull mask. He might be a natural born killer after all. Ouka recognizes her as a Death God… Shinigami.

Back in the present, Kyouka is defending the home from the terrible insect invaders. Chika and Ginka accidently remark that maybe she’s gone crazy, which sets her into an even deeper frenzy.

Yuuka manages to just make the situation worse. Ouka’s apparently off, possibly hanging out with a floozy in Kyouka’s imagination, which only makes things even worse.

At a desert shop, Shinigami (lit. Death God) meets with Ouka over a parfait. Ouka is a bit surprised that one of them would be like her. Then she gets depressed because she thinks the date is going poorly. We move from there onto the family plan that Ouka’s been involved in to save the world. Of course, his heart couldn’t have been stolen by a goddess.

Suddenly, Kyouka busts in through the window. Between the Skull Mask and the Cat Ears, the two take an instant disliking to eachother. Shinigami’s not threatened though, she’s known Ouka for 20 years and is confident that this temporary problem will not interfere. Kyouka’s already won, she’s got the family. But that’s just to save the world.

Unfortunately for Kyouka, Ouka comes down on the side of Shinigami. She then takes Ouka’s hand while Kyouka rants and nuzzles it. He tries to pull away. That skull mask has got to be rough on the skin.

Kyouka gets ticked and Shinigami prepares to fight back, but she just jumps out the window, yelling threats as she leaves. Shinigami declares her victory.

Kyouka runs past, still ranting threats. A camera spots her as she runs past, grows bunny ears and wonders what the problem with her sister is.

Ouka and Shinigami walk past soon after, her clinging to his arm. She tries to figure out where to go next for their date… to the amusement park! The camera watches them go.

After wearing out Ouka on the rides, Shinigami leaves him to rest on a bench while she runs off to get refreshments. Ouka looks at the other families there. Shinigami returns with ice cream. He shares his feelings with her about his feelings… it’s the first time he’s felt such a good feeling.

Shinigami says that hearing such talk from him sounds a bit gross, but Ouka’s sure of it.

Even though it’s just a contrived plan, he is happy with it and doesn’t want to endanger it. She brings up when he saved her from herself back in the facility. She tried so hard for him.

Kyouka suddenly uses her cellphone ESP to interfere and start controlling Ouka’s speech, saying that he hates girls like her. Ouka convulses as he rants randomly. Shinigami declares death and raises up a grenade. Something sprints through and carries Ouka off. Shinigami is surprised and replaces the pin on the grenade.

Ouka is riding on the back of some blue crazy bear. It’s Teika in disguise. Ouka immediately figures out that Kyouka’s behind it, but can’t figure out why.

Teika throws him into a cafe thingy where Ginka and the other girls are waiting in dresses to serve him.

Shinigami thinks to herself about how she’s a monster and monsters must die. She flashes back to her sister explaining this. She hands the young Shinigami her own skull mask. At that point, she ceased being a human.

Kyouka interrupts her angsty declarations. Shinigami immediately attacks, saying that Kyouka doesn’t understand.

Kyouka tries to attack gracefully, but Shinigami easily dodges and holds her blade to Kyouka’s throat. The match is over. The camera watched it all and says that’s not allowed. Another person’s cellphone ESP hits Shinigami and forces her to run off. Shinigami wonders where that voice is coming from.

Ginka and Yuuka… ‘entertain’ Ouka. Yuuka’s trying to disguise her voice. It’s kind of freaky. Ginka tries to seduce Ouka. That’s even more freaky. Chika yells at him, but he says he’s just getting into the role. Ouka’s REALLY not fooled. He figures it out… and Gekka prepares to use electrical force to subdue him if needed.

Shinigami busts in.

Ouka gets taken over by the cellphone ESP again, but this time Shinigami thinks that she understands. Kyouka gets it all this time. He holds his gun to his own head and orders Kyouka to come out. He chews her out and puts the gun to his head again, threatening that if she’s not going to let him control his own life, it’s not worth living.

Kyouka relents and agrees not to muss with his head anymore. Ouka smiles and puts the gun down. Then walks over and starts tugging on Kyouka’s ear as punishment.

Ouka and his two women enjoy the time on the bench. The girl still get it on like angry cats in a bag. A Death God is no match for god Kyouka afterall.

They come to a ride. The camera above it sprouts the ears again and starts talking, making Shinigami look around for the voice.

They get into the weird tank ride thingy and it takes off while an animatronic chicken tourguide screams at them.

Kyouka punishes it. I can’t even understand the damn thing. They ride through the tour of wars until the chicken is shot… thankfully. Then more shots come and they take cover as the ride is destroyed.

Shinigami thinks it’s some kind of stupid plan of Kyouka’s. Suddenly, Shinigami is possessed and drops a grenade. It explodes. Ouka covered Kyouka with his body. Shinigami stands above it, talking in a different voice. Suddenly bunny ears sprout from her head and she declares that she’s helping her sister.

Kyouka rises to the challenge, but Shinigami attacks. Kyouka keeps running her mouth, so Shinigami prepares to finish the job.


Shinigami leads the attack while possessed by Shinigami.

Posted in Kyouran Kazoku Nikki | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Sterling01 says:

    Just to clear things up. Ouka’s girlfriend’s name is “Shinigami Sanban” as so far in the light novels no other name has been given for her.

    In reality though names really don’t mean that much to Ouka as “Ouka” is just a name that Dr. Hell gave him, when she found him.

  • serenade_beta says:

    “Just to clear things up. Ouka’s girlfriend’s name is “Shinigami Sanban” as so far in the light novels no other name has been given for her.”

    Oh, Sterling, you didn’t hear? In this episode, they already went and gave away her name. “Shiruku”.

    By the way, Aroduc, nothing said Shinigami Niban was Shiruku’s sister.

  • Aroduc says:

    Well, I was assuming at some point that it was their surname and not a title or whatever. *shrug* Like I said, I’m not entirely sure what’s up with the whole Shinigami thing.

  • sage says:

    Well… most bunnies at any rate.



  • Elkin says:

    Shinigami ban is a title passed onto people (along with the mask, though I’m not 100% sure if it’s the same mask). So Ouka’s girlfriend is the third person to inherit the Shinigami title, and she had a name before that (Kirisaki Shiruku). And the 2nd Shinigami is in no way her sister :)

    Mini spoiler (?) about the bunny-ears possessor. Not sure how much is revealed in this episode since I haven’t watched it yet…

    The possessor isn’t the Shinigami’s sister, but Kyouka’s.

  • Sterling01 says:

    “Oh, Sterling, you didn’t hear? In this episode, they already went and gave away her name. “Shiruku”.”

    That’s what you get for watching a episode under the influence