Absolutely Lovely Children #10 — Shake ’em Like a British Nanny!

June 7th, 2008


Thunderbirds are GO GO GO!


Another awesome episode. Minamoto and his fear yet longing for the adult girls is going to be a great source of humor for many an episode to come, as will Kaoru’s fantasies about the girls in adult form and what they should be wearing. Service, service! We also got a brief science lesson at the start about oceans and physics. Entertaining and educational! The big mecha-loading parody was good for some laughs and I do like that Kyousuke and his pet are becoming a bit more of a humorous tagteam. Sure, he’s still a Sith Lord, but he’s also got some kind of robo-shoulder squirrel barking orders at him on occasion too.

Oh yeah, and Minamoto shaking the girls at the end amused me far more than it should have. The joy he finds in them turning back into little girls is almost kind of scary. Sure it’s the ‘right’ thing, but come on, Minamoto… you know that you’d rather see them as adults too. We all would. Is that really such a curse? Looks like we’re taking a short break from Darth Kyousuke next week to visit a hot springs and meet some espers from out of town.

Brief Summary:

A sinking ship with people trapped inside means that the girls are going underwater. Kaoru and Aoi think they could just brute force it, but… oh yeah… water pressure would kill the people if you teleported them and the ship would fall apart if Kaoru tried to yank it around. After a long Thunderbirds-esque subloading montage (complete with overdramatic manchanting) and Kaoru lamenting the unsexy scuba suits, Aoi teleports everybody to the sub safely in rapidfire fashion (ATATATATATATATATATATATATATA!), but they’re basically full up on the weight, so Kaoru and Minamoto have to stay behind.

While waiting, Kaoru starts throwing a tempertantrum again, prompting Minamoto to mentally call her a brat and she transforms into an adult in front of him again. She’s doing poorly because of the environment though and wants to share his body heat (wink wink nudge nudge) which leads to some fun.

Aoi and Shiho, harass the Babel-2 Pilot with their girly crushes on Minamoto and what they fear he’s doing to Kaoru to make him get back there sooner.

Kyousuke teleports in and harasses Minamoto a bit, fully explaining all the mind-tinkering that he did and why Minamoto reverted to seeing Kaoru as an adult. His Queen will NOT be called a brat by anybody. He demands that Minamoto ask for his help to save Kaoru, whose condition is quickly worsening. He even reaches for her to take her away, but Minamoto knocks him aside and gives his usual vow to protect her. Darth Kyousuke tries to make Minamoto beg for help, but Minamoto refuses, and when Shiho and Aoi arrive, Minamoto takes advantage of the distraction to slap a pair of psychic-lock cuffs on Kyousuke… but he just slips out of them and disappears, taking with him the power that was holding the ship together. The girls revert in Minamoto’s eyes and he hugs/shakes each vigorously, thrilled that they’ve turned back into brats. Kaoru psychic crushes him and then they all teleport to safety, but even as Minamoto is getting his checkup, the girls are spreading ‘rumors’ around BABEL about Minamoto’s lolicon ways.


Hot springs and foreign espers.

Posted in Zettai Karen Children | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Ravage says:

    I really hope Synergy can keep it up with the quality ZKC has shown over the last 2 episodes. :D

    It’s been truly epic lately, with the grown-up versions of the girls.

  • Sterling01 says:

    Well the “USA” esper team was kinda funny in the manga.

  • cnnydz says:

    it is ken the idiot from comerica hahaha

  • miden says:

    heoo yeah. girllls grown upp pftw!