Kyouran Kazoku Nikki #10 — Ow, My Ears

June 14th, 2008


Goddammit, Chiwa Saito whoever.


Sorry to go all short versioned on you, but I’m exhausted. My dogs decided to wake me up around 7am this morning and I need a nap badly.

The golden rule is that a show should not physically cause you pain. Even though I chuckled a few times through this episode, it gave me a throbbing migraine which I’m now trying to drown in a mimosa. So, I really can’t say that I was much of a fan.

Aside from the fact that we got more FAMILY IS IMPORTANT yapping (this time, the One Piece spin on things), almost every single character in this episode was a motormouth like Kyouka, which just made things so very very exhausting to follow. Chiwa Saito Kugimiya Rie (getting my loli VAs confused) as loli pirate Jacky just made things even more exhausing. It was like having a second Kyouka around and they resonated off eachother. Then they added a third fast-talking pirate and my brain just sort of shut down. It didn’t help either than almost all of the humor was "SUDDENLY PIRATES" or "SUDDENLY A KRAKEN" so on and so forth. It wears thin pretty quickly, especially when it’s damn near impossible to even process what people are saying.

Suddenly pirates. Suddenly more pirates. Suddenly warp drives. Suddenly buried treasure. Suddenly family’s important. Suddenly it’s all a big joke. That’s the episode in a nutshell, only about 99% of it is covered in the ear-piercing wail of various characters. I can still hear them all shrieking at once when I cover my ears. The show in general is starting to wear pretty thin for me, especially compared to ZKC. If there was more of a focus on the other characters, it’d be quite a bit better, but at least half of almost every single episode is either a discourse on the importance of family or Kyouka shrieking. This episode was the worst of all possible worlds. Hopefully next week (which appears to be a Hyouka episode) will be quite a bit better.

Ouka ED


Hyouka vs a girl with freckles.

Posted in Kyouran Kazoku Nikki | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • j1m0ne says:

    …Saito Chiwa? Mujacky is voiced by Kugimiya Rie >_>

  • sage says:

    Goddammit, Chiwa Saito.

    I recite this mantra every morning when I wake up.

  • Aroduc says:

    Is she? Whatever. Like I said, my brain was tired and hurting.

  • Myssa Rei says:

    Aroduc: Easy there old timer, you ain’t as young as you used to be. :P

    I didn’t find the motormouthing of Kyouka (or indeed, the pirate characters) painful at all, then again I’ve had most of an afternoons’ worth of rest behind me so… *shrug*

    …Though I hate to admit that BECAUSE of the motormouthing I missed (or misunderstood) most of what was going on. It didn’t make the episode less enjoyable though.

  • Solaris says:

    i like this episode actually ;_;

    PS: the loli pirate is over-kawaii. it’s almost impossible to take her seriously. Anyway, on a second tought, it’s almost impossible to take seriously the whole serie, now that i mention it…