Slayers REVOLUTION #01 — Cockblocking Lina Inverse

July 2nd, 2008


Really really not a recommended activity.


Having Slayers start with Lina killing some bandits and then running away from the police is like starting your day with chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and delicious orange juice. It’s just plain right. I also have to admit that I was dreading Pocotta or Pocotto or whatever the hell that little furball’s name was ever since I noted that JCStaff saw fit to replace the usual extra damsel in the party with a cute furry thing. However, cockblocking Lina by shooting his own Dragon Slave wins him all sorts of bonus points for me. Sure, it’s still probably a cute annoying thing. But it’s a thermonuclear cute annoying thing. The added plutonium makes all the difference.

Basically, it’s more of the same Slayers as always. Just a reintroduction episode, complete with a quick run-down of (most) of the salient character traits; Lina’s arrogance and power, Gourry’s stupidity, Amelia’s justice speeches, and Zel’s… golemness (well, chimera, but whatever). We actually didn’t get to see the Sword of Light at all this episode, but they didn’t really fight anything except grunts and a very phallic magical tank. Seriously… what was that protrusion even for? It shot from the top, not from the giant wand penis sticking out the front.

But anyway… *fanboy squeeeeeeeeeal* Slayers! Even though Lina didn’t go into full on Dragon Slave mode and Zel/Amelia don’t really show their moves too much aside from an Amelia KICK, it was still a very fun episode regardless and I obviously have high hopes for the rest of the season.

Brief Summary:

On the high seas, Lina’s hunting a pirate fleet. They have no idea who she is though, so need some… educating… in multiple ways. Eventually, they try to use a ‘mermaid’ as a hostage, but she recognizes Lina and tells them all the horrible horrible stories about the one who makes even dragons flee. The Seyruun military fleet is also out and about and they crashe into the party, letting the pirates escape, but Lina nukes the fleeing captain.

Lina and Goury enjoy food as usual. Amelia and Zel swing by to say hello, but Gourry’s forgotten their names. With them is an inspector who has something for Lina… handcuffs and an arrest for… well… everything. The rest of the party isn’t really overly surprised. They’ve got an army there to secure Lina too, but she levels them in a single blast and the chase is on. As they reach the gates, a giant tank busts through. It shrugs off Lina’s fireball and Gourry’s sword breaks on it. Zel blocks one of its shots (chimera skin after all) and they start the counterattack, blasting it upwards and then Amelia delivers a huge flying kick. It then starts spinning and causes carnage through the town and army. Time to bring an end to it… but the Dragon Slave is already being chanted. The little furball lets loose, obliterating it (and most of the landscape) while Lina screams in general impotent rage.


Yes, they’re streamcaps. No, I don’t care. Eeeeee… Slayers!



Revenge on the fluffy thing.

Posted in Slayers | 20 Comments »

20 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonym says:


  • pKjd says:

    Loved the OP visuals.

  • xizro345 says:

    Actually, Gourry shouldn’t have the Sword of Light anymore, if it follows post-TRY and/or the novels (that would explain the sword breaking jokes).

  • Aroduc says:

    It (or I guess maybe the Blast Sword) was in the OP and Try was made by not-JCStaff so who knows. *shrug* Gourry without a lightsaber just isn’t right.

  • xizro345 says:

    I think Lina mentions in the dialogue in the tavern that they’re looking for a sword for Gourry (or maybe I heard wrong, my Japanese is far from perfect) and from what I recall from the novels (again, not sure since memory is fuzzy, I read the novels > 9 synopsis ages ago) Gourry should get a weapon similar to the Gorn Nova.

  • Aroduc says:

    Nah, you heard right. I just took it as “Now they need a new sword because he just broke the old one.” I honestly don’t remember the end of Try all that well anyway since I watched it about five years ago. *shrug* And yeah, the new weapon (at least in other media) is the Blast Sword, which is sort of similar to the Sword of Light, only it absorbs magic to make itself stronger instead of resonating and redirecting it IIRC.

  • xizro345 says:

    Well without spoiling for those who haven’t watched it (been like, ten years since I saw TRY though) basically Gourry gives up the Sword of Light after (along with other weapons) has been used to kick the “final enemy” (not wanting to write the name for the aforementioned reasons) butt. I seem to recall it being brought away.

  • Link says:

    I’m assuming this is an anime-original story, so it isn’t taking the timeline into account, I assume. Wasn’t Try also not based on the novels, so it’s technically not really canon in the same vein?

  • FlareKnight says:

    Well assuming they are following anime continuity. Since Try was anime-original as well right? Have heard about some changes from the original story, but its still Slayers.

    Just since I didn’t mention it, It’s Back! I have to agree wtih the above that this is just right. Lina killing bandits (pirates), Gourry having a horrible memory, and Lina hitting everyone. Should be a fun series to watch.

  • Kikaifan says:

    Huh. Guess there’s a slight deviation between the first episode of anime and first chapter of manga.

    Suffice to say there’s a reason the Sword of Light shows in the opening.

  • Kikaifan says:

    Also, is it just me or does Lina look a lot like Phibrizo in that last cap?

  • […] like Aroduc my old school fire is burning with delight the moment I heard Megumi Hayashibara voicing our orange […]

  • Twirble says:

    The art looks kinda blah.

  • DKellis says:

    The pirate captain looks astonishingly like (Captain) Jack Sparrow.

  • Kikaifan says:

    ^I thought so too.

    Oh, I think the ‘phallic’ attachment to the tank was supposed to look like a turtle’s head, but Freud takes us strange places.

  • […] was, as Arudoc mentioned, fitting that Lina made her debut by blowing up bandits, this time of the seagoing kind led by […]

  • Rincewind says:

    I watched it… is AWESOME!!!!

  • kazekaeru says:

    Great start to my most awaited series of the season (and to be honest of the last 10 years :P )

    On the sword, Goru Nova was “lost” on Slayers Try, so that’s why Gourry is looking for a new one. For those unfamiliar with the series and it’s background info, take a look at this site: It is one of the most complete Slayers resources I know of.

  • Shaina says:

    This is absolutely perfect and right–the voices are right, the animation is crisp and beautiful. But most importantly, IT’S BACK!!!

    Yes, the pirate captain does look astonishingly like Jack Sparrow, and I can’t think that was an accident.

    Yes, the Sword of Light must be shown for a reason.

    And I rather thought the giant turtle-thing looked like a Donphan (anyone still play Pokemon?).

    Now, watch the OP again! Who is that person at 0:35? Is that…..LUNA?! Oh my, she has a face. Sure she’s made OP appearances before (was it NEXT or TRY?), but we never got to see her face! Leads me to wonder what the significance of *that* is.

  • Aroduc says:

    Sorry, that’s definitely not Luna.