World Destruction #01 — I Think The World is Probably Safe

July 7th, 2008

At least from these bozos.


What to say about this… what to say… There’s actually quite a bit to like, but there’s also quite a bit to hate. Strangely, it’s often the same thing. Morute, for example, is an evil horrible woman bent on destroying the world. She’s a big ol’ pent up ball of angst that can’t help but curse and spit on the world no matter the occurance. That doesn’t stop her from suddenly feeling bad about abandoning some guy that she just met. I mean, it’s not like her ultimate goal is destroying the world or anything. Oh right. Also, you can tell she’s an aspiring evil overlord because she wears pink and has a pretty ribbon. Let’s not even get started on the kung-fu teddy bear or the evil cultist cats. All the animal people in general make this show seem very very ridiculous at times. I dread to think about the rabbit chancelor in the next episode.

The action and animation was all very well done, which I always appreciate, but at the same time, there was also some absolutely hideously parts. Thankfully, the good vastly outweighed the bad, but that kind of disparity is a little unsettling. It was still a pretty enjoyable first episode. I thought Kirie wearing fake cat ears to work in the furry restaurant was pretty priceless (though if I paid closer attention to the promo material, that joke probably wouldn’t have been as funny), and while I don’t pretend to enjoy it, the thought process that took the crazy cat cult from "let’s sacrifice a little girl to a plant" to "let’s sacrifice a guy dressed up like a girl to a plant" is one that would normally require deeper analysis. It’s a plant. What does it care what it eats? And if your religious doctrine is so strict as to require human sacrifice, I don’t think a pair of fake boobs is going to sit well with your plant god.

At any rate, it’s certainly nothing new nor particularly creative, but it wasn’t bad either. It was an enjoyable first episode, though Kirie needs to step it up here a bit. He was taken hostage three times by three people over a single episode. Two of them were just unnamed grunts too. We’ll see how well I can stomach the bear once it actually has a real role kuma. I’m not sold on this ‘midget stuffed animal as a blackbelt’ thing just yet kuma. I’ll probably tune in for another week or two and see how this develops. I wasn’t overly impressed with Natsume early and the only other thing on Mondays is Mission-E.

I do really like the OP visuals. The song ain’t bad either.

World Destruction OP


The rivals appear!

Posted in Anime | 16 Comments »

16 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • totali says:

    Ass kicking teddy bear…FUCK YEA!


  • Gil says:

    Hey, the end of the OP worries me.

    However, I won’t watch this show because the character designs aren’t attracting.

  • Rude says:

    Needs more ecchiness, but the design is alright for me, though.

    Hopefully it has also a good story, and fight scenes.

  • Newprimus says:

    @ Gil

    You won’t watch this show because the character designs aren’t attacting? Bwaahahhaahahahaha~ You’re a hilarious piece of work, you know that?

  • Blanca-chan says:

    @ Rude

    if you want echiness then go and watch sekirei instead, gosh… what is this freaking obssesion for echi in anime?? go watch hentai or porn then

  • Rude says:

    Muuuuh. I was actually praising it, because lately I ‘only’ see anime with ecchi in it, like with the motto “Sex Sells”.


  • jpmeyer says:

    All I hate to say is…

    “wtf is this shit?”

  • Gil says:


    Go ahead and enjoy this shit.

  • Aroduc says:

    JP, you seem unusually cranky this season. ^^

  • DmonHiro says:

    BOOOOOORRRRING and crappy

  • Hinano says:

    Aroduc> He’s just overwhelmed by everything I’m making him watch =P (everything being pretty much every slayers thing I can pile on to him)

  • Hinano says:

    Also he seems to be stuck on the whole fansub issue, I keep telling him to drop it but he keeps posting more and more about it. Clearly I have not played enough Pangya with him.

  • Aroduc says:

    I finally got around to watching that series of “FANSUBS R BAD” that sparked the latest wave of it. Granted, I’m not the most qualified here to comment on fansubs in general, but I can see why it’d ruffle some feathers. Between the hypocrisy and the insistence that every fansub group is doing One Piece, it was sort of jaw droppingly terrible.

  • Cookie says:

    Hmm. Another cats theam. These seem to poping up more and more lately. Y is that? I don’t hate these teams, i just don’t like them. Any way this may be interesting, or at least worth looking into.

  • Anonymous says:


  • orz says:

    I hope the game is better.