Slayers REVOLUTION #03 — The Chimera Boogaloo
July 16th, 2008
And the jellyfish brain alliance.
Well, hopefully this means that we’ll at least have a break from Wiser for a little bit. He did earn a few points for actually being a little bit crafty this episode, but he’s still a pretty annoying character, especially when he’s stopping Lina from exploding things. The Gourry x jellyfish joke was pretty painfully predictible though. Gourry can’t escape his jellyfish brain moniker and throwing him right at a giant one is clearly going to lead to some hugs and kisses and a very sticky Zelgadis. Well, perhaps not necessarily the last part, but it wasn’t terribly surprising either. I don’t think we’re quite finished with Wiser or whose-his-face the villain of the week anyway. Wiser’s kingdom is amassing magical weapons for whatever reason and now they’ve got a mage who makes giant magical demons. That combination is probably does not have the best interests of the world in mind.
Otherwise, not a ton to say. It was a weaker episode all around than the first two, but still relatively enjoyable. Most importantly, there’s no Wiser in the preview for next week and amidst shots of Zelgadis losing it, only one of the little furball. Not that I mind him overly much, but I was Xellos to show up already, not a white little furball.
Brief Summary:
A fat lady’s dog, Sebastian, runs off into a lake.
Lina and Gourry are in the middle of a food devouring fight when Lina’s caught by Wiser again. The resulting chaos and distraction from all the patrons learning that she’s Lina Inverse is enough to give Gourry the win, if you’re keeping score at home. Wiser drags Lina into another crime going on that she’s clearly guilty of, the exotic pets of rich people going missing, but the townsfolk are less than cooperative. They do manage to follow some tracks which end at a lake that has an island in the center with two giant towers.
As they cross the river, they’re attacked by a giant jellyfish, and Lina, unable to carry two people, throws Gourry at it and the rest fly on to the island. Once there, they’re attacked by a ton of monsters. Lina leaves Zel and Amelia to hold them off and continues onward with Wiser in tow. The break into one of the towers and fight more monsters until Wiser remarks that this is all part of Lina’s insidious plan. She finally manages to slip out of the handcuff by throwing him through a door.
Inside, the ‘big boss’ waits, using the area to grow monsters and such. Lina blows a few up, and he reveals his precious pets, the stolen animals fused with eachother and other strange things. They’re not… particularly strong though, and Lina easily takes them down, so he summons ginormous magic resistant ones. Lina fights briefly with them, but is interrupted when the jellyfish from the lake busts down the wall. Instead of attacking Lina, it attacks the eeevil (well, eviler) mage. Gourry and it apparently had some skinship and they saved Zel/Amelia on the way over, who are now all sticky… if you get where I’m going. Wiser apprehends the suspect.
Lina puts it all together. Wiser wasn’t after her, he was just using her to get to this guy. WELL PLAYED, OLD MAN. The jellyfish continues lavishing its affections on Amelia and Zel.
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