Cobra: The Animation #01 — Redux
January 2nd, 2010
First Episode Disclaimer:
I like to give every show a chance, even ones that I am fairly certain I won’t like. There’s usually at least one shot a season that takes me by total surprise. This would not be that show.
Good lord, I don’t even want to talk about this. I have better things to do for my last two days of freedom. You could safely take just about everything I said about the OVA, ratchet down the hatred maybe a notch or two for being a TV series instead, and then call it a day. The writing is laughable, the animation is piss poor and the art’s not that much better, the characters are flat as all hell, and the direction is the best that cheap B-movies can offer. To be fair though, it’s all much improved from the OVAs, but in the interest of full disclosure, that’s just a jump from insulting festering compost to insulting. I guess the CGI’s not horrible, Aroduc said through gritted teeth in order to praise something.
So once again, if you don’t care about the writing or production of a show at all and just want to see lumbering cardboard cutouts bounce around the screen… literally… then maybe you can find some enjoyment in this one, but I’m sure it’ll take a lot of alcohol for the other 99.9% of the population.
Not improving.
Posted in Anime | 13 Comments »
Madhouse, what on earth have you been doing for the past year? Is this the depths to which you have sunk? Where is the Madhouse I know and love? Gyeeaaargh…