So-Ra-No-Wo-To #01 — Redux… Again
January 4th, 2010
Why does this season suddenly seem even more full of rehashes than last?
First Episode Disclaimer:
Blah blah blah. Too lazy to copy and paste this season. I try to watch everything. I can guarantee that I won’t like most, and enjoy pointing out flaws even in things I do like. Feel free to add your own opinions.
Sorry this is a bit late. My new 2.5 hour Monday morning class ended up being 3 hours of group hugs and hearing how special everybody was. And then I was nearly sideswiped by a firetruck on my way home. It hasn’t been a great day so far.
Let’s see. Moron girl who wants to play music joins club military and meets people who are going to teach her to play her crippled instrument. Let me think. Where have I seen this before? At least spring for something with valves.
Well, I suppose I got almost exactly what I was expecting with this one. I’m a little disappointed in how cheaply this was produced in parts though. It mostly looks rather good, although they’re aiming pretty low in terms of animation complexity. As the insert song kicked in for the second half, we got to look at little else but stills for a minute or two. The backgrounds still look like they got at least four or five times as much attention as the characters. At least the music was nice, and there’s a bit more of a mythical element about the show than I expected, which is welcome. It’s a shame absolutely nothing interesting actually happens.
However, the bread and butter of this show is firmly in "moronic girls acting ‘cute,’" and these are some world champs when it comes to mental damage. Granted, we didn’t really see much of anybody but Kanata, who tried to jump off a balcony in her panties to chase an owl, and then manages to fall off a cliff immediately afterward, but I’m pretty sure I can chart out the archetypes for the rest of the cast already. Luckily, everybody has their bugle at hand. Why carry a compass or a map, when you can cart around a trumpet? A magical trumpet that can make a wide open bridge sound like an acoustic hall no less. I’m sure the occupants of the town love it when people start blasting their horns before dawn too.
With shows like these, it all comes down to how much you like the characters because lord knows there’s nothing else going on, and honestly, I despise Kanata already. This show seems like a shameless K-On knockoff in every way except for the giant bird skeleton… which… admittedly, would have improved my K-On experience immensely. I saw very little here that interests me, but given what it’s trying to rip off, I think I can already take a guess at how rabid the fanbase will be.
Posted in Anime | 29 Comments »
I think you might actually hate character driven series, Aroduc. Or shows that revolve around depicting/exploring them. And saying it’s a knockoff of K-ON seems inaccurate since it’s barely like K-ON, design-wise aside. And don’t tell me you think K-ON invented ditzy main characters now…
Also, not getting any Aria/Kino’s Journey/Haibane Renmei vibes?