Black Butler 2 #01 — Psyche!
July 1st, 2010
Ha ha! You thought you were getting a new show.
Well, as it turns out, apparently all the stuff about the show being about a new pair of leads was just marketing since Seb breaks into their mansion at the end and revives his boy-in-a-trunk. The next episode preview was nothing but Seb and Ciel. That… makes it significantly less accessible to someone who wasn’t interested enough to finish the first season and also makes this episode a little hard to talk about because apparently these characters have nothing to do with the next episode. Also, I can’t say myself, but isn’t it kind of taking a crap on the ending to the previous season to undo death? All in the name of fanservice I guess.
*Ahem* Alois is an interesting character, mainly because he’s a psychotic brat that gouges out people’s eyes simply to amuse himself. Overall though, I have a lot of the same issues with this episode as I did with the first season. There’s this massive disconnect in presentation that doesn’t work. Alois gouges out eyes, and then thirty seconds later, Claude’s doing a musical routine to set the table. Alois is being creepy as hell while his brother is performing schtick in the background. It doesn’t work. It did look very good and the music’s still great though. Definitely no faults there.
Since this does seem to be going in the direction of rebooting the first season instead of continuing with Alois though… I have really no idea. I doubt I’ll follow this right now though just because it is a continuation of something I didn’t like too much the first time around. Maybe they’re faking us out with the preview and it’ll be back to these characters. Who even knows anymore. There’s still Amagami and Legend^2 today too. Speaking of which…
Hello, season 1.
Posted in Anime | 8 Comments »
I sure hope they’re no tying to make us LIKE the little phycho…cause all I wanted by the end of the episode was for Sebastian to beat the shit out of both of them while Ciel watched and laughed.